×18 heart of darkness

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"who are you"a blonde girl asked as she opens the door

"uh vanessa"


"vanessa salvatore"

"oh , so your lily's daughter huh"

"afraid so , who are you?"

"I'm mary louise"she says and I nod

"so can I come in or?"

"I'll tell lily you're here"she says and leaves me

"vanessa hi"lily says as she walks towards me

"come on in"she says and I walk in and everyone was staring at me

"hi I'm nora , nice to meet you"a girl says as we shake hands and I smile

"vanessa nice to meet you too"

"I'm julian"a guy says and he takes his hand out to shake but I just look and roll my eyes

"don't be rude , shake his hand"mary louise says

"she doesn't have to , after all julian did kidnap stefan"nora says

"where is stefan"I ask

"I'll lead you to him"mother says

"he's in that room , nora go with her and make sure he doesn't do anything stupid"lily says and nora nods as she leaves and opens the door

"stefan?"I ask as I see a body laying on the floor

"vanessa?"I hear him whisper

"yes it's me , what did they do?"I ask

"they took my ring and just tortured me"he says

"give him this , it would make him feel better"nora says as she hands me a blood bag

"thank you"

"your welcome , I actually didn't expect you to be this pretty"she says as I give stefan the blood bag

"really?"I ask and she nods

"your nicer than everyone here combined"I tell her

"well , mary louise is my girlfriend but she doesn't like the idea if us being together here so right now it's complicated but she loves julian like family and I don't , he just seems off and lily is lily and beau can't talk so"she says

"wow , well at least some people like you , everyone hates me because of my boyfriend , well I'm not so sure about caroline hating me anymore but except kai and stefan , everyone hates me for choosing kai over them after he murdered his entire coven at the wedding"I tell her

"oh right , you're kai parkers girlfriend , you guys are actually cute , but hey I don't hate you , you seem nice and badass"she says

"why thank you"I say smiling

"I'll help you"she says out of nowhere

"help me?"

"I'll cloak you and stefan bit when you walk out the house your gonna get uncloaked so you better run , I'll pretend to go get "water"and when I come back your gone"she says

"wait seriously?"

"yes , grab him"she says

"well then nora , you're my friend now"I tell her as I put grab him and he puts an arm around my shoulder

"really ? I've never had a friend before"she says

"well consider me your friend , if you ever need anything , find me , I'm mostly at the grill with kai or find me at the mikaelson house"I tell her and she nods as she chants and cloaks us

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