x13 gather up the killer's

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I wake up on the couch and see damon and bonnie talking , I vamp speed towards bonnie and started choking her as I grabs the knife sitting on the table and stab her leg , she let out a very painful scream.

"motus"she yells and I fly across the room.

"vanessa what are you doing"damon yells


"hey I'm ba- , what happened?"she says as she sees damon giving bonnie blood to heal.

"vanessa here started choking me and then she stabbed me"bonnie tells elena

"why , she wouldn't do that unlessyou guys did something to her"elena says

"she's crazy elena"damon says

"no she isn't , wait a minute where is kai"elena asks

"bonnie and damon left him in the prison world to die , THERE IS 6 VAMPIRES THERE THAT ARE DESICCATING AND THEY WOULD KILL KAI THE MINUTE HE WALKS IN THE HOUSE"I yell as tears start pouring out of my eyes.

"you guys left kai?"elena snaps

"we had to , he's a monster elena"damon says

"so it's okay for kai to be a monster but not you? me and kai left for a reason , you called us , I came to save my brother , not for you damon , and for you bonnie , you are such a hypocrite ,damon literally killed a pregnant woman and you forgave him , kai killed his siblings because of how they treated him , damon just killed that woman to get his stupid ring back , me and kai were happy , damon you ruin everything that I have , I can't even be happy for once , I've been miserable for 7 years and then I die , meet kai , I was happy but you don't understand , it's always about you , you didn't like kai but instead of just ignoring him you trap him In a prison world"I yell ,

damon looks at me with guilt and bonnie is looking at me annoyed and elena is glaring at damon and then she walks up to me and gives me a hug which surprises me but I hug her back because I really do need a hug , honestly I don't care if it's from elena.

"what are you doing elena"bonnie says

"doing something you guys were never good at"she snaps

"I can't believe you guys , listen I don't even like kai but he made her happy and she made him happy , you guys probably couldn't stand them being together so you did that"elena snaps

"I want to turn it off, I can't deal with the pain right now"I tell her

"no , you can't control it"bonnie says

"it's not your choice to make bonnie , yea she can't control it but no matter what she has done you guys would always see her as a bad person"elena says and she glares at bonnie

"the only person that would make me flip it back would be kai"I tell them

"turn it off if you need to , go be a badass"elena says and I smile at her

"why the change of heart"I ask

"I've been choosing damon for almost anything , I would call you these horrible names but I finally stopped looking at how damon looked at you and i finally realized about how much pain you have been in "elena says

"it's okay"I tell her

"look and you said there was an eclipse so kai can get out "elena says

"not if he's dead"I tell her

"I'm sure he's going to okay , it's kai parker"she says

"if he comes out , do you think he would want revenge"damon asks

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