x19 I'll remember

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"VANESSA , YOU GOT A PACKAGE"I hear caroline yell downstairs as I finish brushing my teeth

"what is it?"I ask walking downstairs

"I have no idea"

I open it and a letter is inside the box

we are inviting you to the ball we are throwing for nora and mary louise , you can bring kai and another plus one if you want but come it would be nice for family to come as well , your brothers will be there - mom

"are you gonna seriously go?"caroline asks

"yes I will , where's kai?"

"the kitchen making food"

"I figured , look a dress"I say as I take the wrapping paper out the box

"it's so pretty"caroline says in awh

"I'm definitely going with you"kai says

"obviously , but caroline , you wanna come?"I ask

"I don't have a dress"

"well you can wear the dress klaus got you?"

"hmm , maybe I will wear it"she says and I smile and nod

"when is it?"kai asks as we walk in the kitchen

"at 6 "

"alright it's 10 , we have time to get ready"caroline says

"do you have a suit?"I ask kai as we start eating

"well the one I had I full of blood so no"kai says

"you can borrow some of klaus's or elijah's expensive ass suits that are still in his room"I tell him

"that's hard , klaus has some good suits but then elijah does too"

"klaus has a black suit with a burgundy red tie , your dress matches that tie"I say and caroline nods

"wear all your rings"I tell him


"to make you more hot"I tell him and I wink

"okay well uh , I'm gonna go home and get ready , I'll be back at 5 , you guys better be ready alright?"she says and kai nods

"we will caroline"I yell out

"also thank you for the food"she says

"anytime caroline's , mi casa es tu casa"kai says and I laugh and she smiles and leaves

"go look for a suit in klaus's closet , you take anything you like , it's not like he's gonna come back to mytic falls anytime soon"I say and the door bell rings

"who is that?"kai asks and I shrug to go open the door

"you have got to be kidding me"

"you literally jinxed it vanessa"

"well I have to be invited in to my own house bloody hell"klaus says

"come on in klaus"kai says and klaus walks in happily

"got tired of being in London?"I ask

"yes but then I realized I could literally visit mytic falls so here I am"klaus says

"where are you guys going?"klaus asks as he sees the dress on the couch

"well we got invited to a ball"I say

"can I come?"he asks

"we are bringing caroline , you can be her date if you want"I say and he smiles

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