x8 bloodlust

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damon led us to the hospital for some reason , I was very confused why we were here and so was kai , when we walk in we see sheriff forbes on the bed talking to elena

"hi sheriff forbes how are you"I ask and she looks at me and smiles

"hi nessa , I'm doing good thank you for asking"she says

I would always stay at caroline's house all the time and she would always listen to my problems , like everytime damon and I got into an argument I would tell her and she would tell me it would get better so seeing her like this broke my heart

"your not a doctor so stop playing games because I am a vampire and I would rip your head off if you screw this up"elena says to kai

"elena honey I'm older than you so that means I'm stronger so stop making threats you won't be successful at "I tell her and damon just rolls his eyes and elena looks at him and damon just shrugs

"what nessa said"kai says as looks at elena and damon

"I see what you two see in each other's it's very dys-fun-ctional , you see what I did with the fun"kai says smiling

"just get on with it kai , listing to you talk makes me wanna die"sheriff forbes says

"that's good"kai says smiling and I smile at him , in the corner of my eye I see damon looking at me wierd

he starts siphoning her

"is it working"damon says

"I have no idea"elena says and I see no walk in and she sees me and stop

"what the hell is going on , why is she here"jo says and then kai pops his head to look at jo also

"what are they doing here"jo says

"wow jo not even a hello ? , I'm hurt"I tell her sarcastically

"hey sis , little busy , be with you in a jiffy"kai says

"elena"jo asks

"I'll let damon explain"elena says and damon sighs and leaves with jo

and then sheriff forbes started having a heart attack

"I think she's having a heart attack"I tell elena worried

"her ticker is not strong enough to have a little siphoning"kai says

"kai you have to fix this"elena yells and then she looks around the room and confused

"did you cloak us?"I ask , he nods and walks towards a room , I'm guessing jo is in there with damon

"what the hell did you do"jo asks as we enter the room , then kai snapped his neck and I guess uncloaks us

"magical necksnap , never gets old"kai says smiling at jo

"isn't this the part when you run?"kai asks

"I've spent my whole life running from you , I'm not running anymore"jo says which makes kai smile more , a devilish smile

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