x3 disturbing behavior

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I open my eyes and look around and we were still here , we all looked at each other's hand and leg go looking away

"well that got akward pretty fast"damon says

"what happened ? , where is everybody "bonnie says and she starts waking away

"hey where are you going " damon yells , bonnie ignores him and kept walking , we soon followed her.

"well I feel a fang , I'm still a vampire"damon says

"either I'm a dead vampire or mystic falls is now a free magic zone" he adds

"look" bonnie says pointing to the mystic grill , damon looks confused

"I definitely blew that up about an hour ago"he says

"why don't we any people , we are still on the other side we should at least see the living"I say confused

"where the hell are we ? and I don't mean geographically " he says

"I have no idea " bonnie says

we walk to the salvatore house and I pick up newspaper and read the date , may 10th 1994

"guys look at the date" I tell them as I hand them the paper.

bonnie and Damon start arguing and I just sit down on the couch and look at the ceiling

after 5 minutes of them bickering they stop and sit on the other couches

we soon fell into silence and then I remembered about me getting my memories back and what damon did , I stand up fast and they turn to me confused

"I got them back damon" I tell him , bonnie looks at him confused

"got what" he says

"the memories , the things you told kol to compell me to forget "I tell him

bonnie looks at me annoyed

"how did you-"

" I crossed the magic border" I tell him

damon gets up

"you stupid idiot"he yells at me

"let her be at least she knows that she is a monster "bonnie says

"oh so instead of teaching me how to control it you got kol to compel me "I tell them crossing my arms

I leave and start walking to the stairs and Damon vamp speeds to me

"I'm sorry " he says frowning

"sorry for wh-" I feel a pain in my neck and I see black

I wake up and crack my neck back

"you stupid idiot , you snapped my neck" I yell

"sorry it was the only thing to get you here " damon says

I look around and I was in a cell , I go up to the door and try to punch him from the other side of the door but he moves and gives me a blood bag and leaves

4 months

4 months I have been down here

damon's dumbass forgot that I lived here with stefen in 1992, this was my cell everytime I turned my humanity off. I got out one day cause stefan made a door under the bed but of course damon's dumbass didn't know , I forget about it until yesterday , I heard them and they were leaving to grams house and then the store so I waited 2 hour for them to actually leave and then they left , I sneaked out and left , damon stopped giving me blood bags after a month and started giving my a little bit in a tiny cup so my first stop was the hospital for blood bags , I drank so much and I after I did I was still hungry but not for blood but for some snacks , I went to the closest store and went over and grabbed some pork grinds and some cookies cause those are my favorite things.

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