x7 things we lost in the fire

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i probably fell asleep in the car cause I woke up at the mystic grill next to kai who was eating and elena was Infront of us and she's glaring at us.

"how did I get here"I ask kai as I yawn

"you're awake , I carried you because you looked so peaceful sleeping so I didn't wanna wake you up"kai says smiling

"you guys are crazy"elena says

"I know "I tell her as I grab a piece of kai's food

"heyy"he says

"oh shh I'll make you food later"I tell him as he nods smiling

"you guys are dating"elena asks looking at us

"no"I tell her

"he's a monster , he murdered his family , his siblings"elena says

"and I killed a bunch of people at a wedding , elena stop being a hypocrite"I tell her with my arms crossed.

"I guess I'm not surprised that you are working with kai , you always go for monsters and murders "elena says , I laugh and stare at her

"are you stupid? , you're dating damon salvatore , who by the way is a murder also and did he tell you he killed the pregnant woman"I tell her

"yes , he told me but I-"

"you forgave him , guess what , I forgave kai "I tell her

"why am I here"she asks kai

"oh well I spent 18 years in abandoned restaurants"kai says

"I don't mean the mystic grill "elena says

"like here? mystic falls?"kai asks and elena nods

"sorry I'm nervous , vanessa is really pretty"kai says , I smile at him but then turn to elena because I'm blushing so bad.

"why am I here kai"elena says

"well I took the spell that was keeping supernatural's out and I like absorbed it , like I ate it"kai says

"you want a drink?"I ask kai

"yes please"kai says , I nod and walk over to the bar and I see blood and I look confused , who's blood was that

I shrug and make us some drinks ,when I finish I go over to kai and give him his drink

"thank you love"kai says

"you are very welcome" I tell him as I start drinking mine

"quick question"I ask kai , he looks at me

"who's blood is that on the floor by the bar"I ask

"oh I was about to tell her about that , it's interesting"kai says , I nod smiling waiting for what kai did this time.

"I didn't know how out of control I was unti I met the manager of the grill a few hours ago and he was like , nah you can't come in we're closed and you have an unconscious girl all over your shoulder and one in the car and I was like don't judge me , so then I gave him a heart attack , well I tried to , but all I did was make him vomit uncontrollably which was like ew by the way so I tried again and I think I broke his spine , I'm not really sure because the third time I tried the spell he kind of exploded blood , whoops"kai says , I look at him

"kai that is disgusting , I'm eating please ew"I tell him

"you're eating my food"he says

"I'm hungry and it's right in front of me , how can I not" I say as I take another piece of his food

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