x23 I would for you

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"no no no"I hear someone yell and I start opening my eyes and see sitting down next to me and see bonnie throw stuff on the floor

"are you done with your little tantrum you six year old?"katherine asks and I get up and kai notices

"I brought the wrong one"bonnie yells

"what happened?"I ask

"she brought the wrong syringe , the one we had half of the cure so it won't do anything , we are still vampire's somehow"kai says

"well let's hope so , catch"katherine yells as she throws a knife at me and I grab it

"what was that for?"I ask

"just checking if your still a vampire"katherine

"well what if she wasn't?"kai asks

"I'll heal her with my blood"

caroline and damon walk in and look confused


"katherine fucking pierce?"caroline yells out as she sees her

"you've gotta be kidding me"damon whispers as he slams the door

"damon , hi"katherine says as she still glares at bonnie

"how are you even here"damon asks

caroline runs over and hugs me and I hug her back and she hugs kai too

"freya helped me come back , thank vanessa , it was her idea"katherine said

"are you serious? as if we don't have other problems?"he yells at me

"damon shut up"kai yells

"why are you all glaring at bonnie , what happened?"caroline asks as they notice all the furniture all over the place

I vamp speed towards bonnie and slam her on the floor

"don't ever fucking try that again or I'll swear I'll kill you bennett"I yell at her

"hey woah woah calm down and tell us what happened first "damon says pulling me away from her

"she gave kai and vanessa the cure but turns out she brought the wrong ones , they just have half of it in their system , they are still vamps"katherine tells them

"have you lost your god damn mind bonnie"caroline yells at bonnie

"I thought we could help hy taking away their vampire side so they could stop making more problems for us"bonnie says

"that's not how bonnie , you didn't even give them a choice"damon says

"we came all happy to see you guys , I was going to be nice enough to take elena out the spell but I think I'm changing my mind"kai says looking at bonnie

"wait you were gonna take her out?"damon asks and kai nods

"how come I didn't know?"katherine asks

"you were sleeping"I tell her


"well I guess it was nice seeing you guys"kai says

"please I'm begging you , take her out"damon says

"with that stupid little stunt that bonnie just pulled? no"I tell them

"it won't happen again , I'll make sure of it"caroline says and kai sighs

"I'm sorry caroline"kai says and she just nods

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