x24 days of future past

828 24 5

Today , 3rd pov

‘’Suns coming up stefan , make your choice’’rayna tells stefan

‘’Its a pretty big deal stefan , you know me offering to take this scar from you, but hey i’ve been on the bench for quite some time and you look pretty tired so let me tap in and give you a breather, hashtag your welcome , are hashtags still a thing? I don’t know it's been three years’’damon says

‘’Say yes stefan , you can stop running , you’ll get your life back’’rayna adds

‘’And all it’s gonna take is one itty bitty transfer spell , any more suspense and i might pass out little brother , course i might pass out anyway , come on and you know we can always get vanessa in here and give her the scar instead’’damon says

‘’No , we leave vanessa out of this , her kai and the kids are happy , im not letting you take that away from her , my phone is in my pocket , valarie can do the spell’’stefan says


"Of course you don't know you were asleep in a coffin for three years"stefan said

"Wait Vanessa had kids? How is that possible?"damon asked

"The cure did something to Vanessa and made her pregnant , she has twins"

"Oh great two mini parkers running around"

"we keep her out of this , get the phone to call Valarie"

‘’Hallelujah he's seen the light , now i'm just gonna loosen these love knots a little bit , just to get his phone’’damon says as he walks to stefan and rayna pulls her gun up on damon

‘’Make sure he behaves’’rayna says

Stefan throws a damon across the room and grabs the sword and vamp speeds away , damon chokes rayna but rayna shoots a dart and they both fall on the floor

*three years flashback , vanessa’s pov after matt kicks the vampires out*

‘’Caroline, i'm pregnant’’i tell her as soon as i get to the mikaelson house , kai went to the store to grab some snacks so we head out to new orleans


‘’The cure did something and stefan was the one that told me...he heard heartbeats in my stomach’’

‘’Vanessa salvatore did you just say heartbeats AS IN MORE THAN ONE?’’



‘’Me and kai are going to new orleans and stay with hayley until it's time to come back , it's not safe with rayna here so we are leaving but don’t worry we will go visit you if alaric lets us’’

‘’Does kai know?’’



‘’Im planning on telling him when he comes back’’

‘’Call me with what he says’’

‘’I will , take care caroline’’

‘’You too vanessa’’

10 minutes later kai walks in with bags full of food and im sitting on the couch fidgeting with my fingers , he walks in and sees me and fidgeting and his face lases with concern

‘’Hey what's wrong ness?’’he asks and crouches on the floor in front of me

"Before I tell you I just wanna say that if you wanna leave me it's fine I understand"

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