x10 an unblinking death

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"good morning love birds"I hear a voice yell into the room as I groan and put a pillow on my head

"leave us aloneee"kai yells

"but I made pancakes"klaus says sadly

"you made your famous pancakes"I say as I sit up

"yes now get out of your bed"klaus says as he leaves and I'm still sitting there and kai is still half asleep

"kai get up , klaus's pancakes are better than mine"I tell him and he sighs and gets up

"good morning beautiful"he says as he puts his shirt back on and hugs me and plants a kiss on my lips

"good morning"I whisper in his chest

"listen you have the most amazing pancakes , I'll test klaus's pancakes and see who's is better" kai says as we walk downstairs and see everyone still half asleep as klaus is happily cooking.

''Good morning'' i tell them and they all look up at us

''Klaus woke you up too?''hayley says

''Yea''i tell her and she rolls her eyes and she glares at klaus whos putting pancakes on plates , me and kai sit next to rebekah and elijah and klaus hands everyone their pancakes.

'''Why does uncle elijah get blueberries and i don't , i want blueberries not strawberries on my pancakes''hope says as she get sup to get blueberries and she gives her strawberries to hayley

''I didn't know you liked blueberries , i'll remember next time''klaus says as he sits down and he gives grace and we all eat and hayley , hope and kai were surprised

''Oh my god , vanessa you were right''kai says as he takes another bite

''I told you he was a better cook than me''i tell him as klaus smirks

''These are so good''hope says

''I am officially in love with your pancakes''hayley says

''I haven't had one of his pancakes in years''i say as i take another bite , we all enjoy our food and we start talking about the time when klaus klaus was cooking pancakes at home and someone broke in and klaus threw the pancake at the guys head and his head came off because of how hard he threw it

''Well then , done mess with klaus when hes cooking his pancakes'' kai says

''God so your telling me i missed that''i tell klaus

''Yea you were to busy trying to convince stefan to help you scare people off for no reason''klaus says

''Well it was stefan's idea but he didnt wanna do it anymore so i was convincing him to do it because he convinced me'' i tell klaus who rolled his eyes and then my phone starts ringing and i get it out of my pocket

''Who is it''rebekah asks

''Its damon''i said as i ask myself if should answer or not

''Are you going to answer it'' kai asks

''Damon never calls me unless something happened , remember he doesn't like me''i tell them as i sigh and pick up and i put him on speaker

''What do you want damon''i ask

''Where the hell are you , you said you were at the mikaelson mansion 3 days ago , you arent here , the house is empty''damon says into the phone

''Me and kai are in new orleans''i tell him

''Are you actually serious , you went with that weasel''damon yells

''Just tell me what happened'' i say as i roll my eyes and so does kai

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