x17 the sun also rises

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"I cought you"I yell as I shoot kai in the stomach

"wait no-"I hear him yell as be falls to the floor

"and I win again"I say as I throw the nerf gun at the couch

"not fair at all"he says

"today's our last day here In new orleans , are you done packing?"I ask

"yeah it's been a 3 months and so much has happened , klaus , rebekah , elijah and kol got that evil thing inside them and they left"he says

"I said bye to hope already"I tell him

"me too and hayley"he says

"I did too"

"you ready?"I ask him

"to travel the world with you? , yes"he says smiling

"where do you want to go to?"I ask him

"I don't know , how about we go to new york? , washington? , florida? , we can go anywhere"kai says

"anywhere we want"I say smiling

"well , let's go to Paris"he says

"wait seriously"

"yes seriously"

"well what are we waiting for , LETS GO"I say as I grab his arm and we get in the car with our bags already in there

"how long are we staying"I ask

"how about like 3 weeks?"

"sure , 3 weeks"I agree smiling

"wait when are we gonna get there"he asks

"10 hours"

"10 hours?"


"fuck it , we are still going"kai says

I hear my phone go off and I check it and it was damon?

"damon is calling me?"

"that's wierd , he hasn't called us since we left mytic falls"kai says confused

"hello?"I say as I put the phone on speaker

"vanessa are you okay?"he asks

"uh yea , why?"

"lily and the heretics said they were out to get you and kai"he says

"we just left new orleans"I tell him

"where are you guys going?"he says

"what happened?"I ask not answering his question

"we cleared mytic falls from any humans because the heretics are dangerous and won't leave and now julian is loose and wants revenge and blah blah blah , mom wants you home or else something is gonna happen"damon says

"is stefan okay?"I ask


"what do you mean no?"

"julian has him , they took the house and I'm not invited in"he says

"god damn it damon"

"julian will kill him if you don't come back home"damon says

"we were about to go to Paris you dipshit"I yell


"yes , we were planning to travel the world"I tell him

"oh well come home now"he yells as he hangs up

"we have to go get stefan don't we?"kai asks

"yea , our plans are ruined"I say frustrated

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