x2 lost girls

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I got up and got ready for the day, if I die at least I'll be on the other side but I don't wanna leave stefen alone with damon

"vanessaaaaaaa" I hear caroline yell from downstairs

"Im coming I'm coming "I tell her as I walk downstairs to see her all ready

yes I did tell her what I was about to do and she actually was happy cause she wanted me to know the truth , I texted stefen and he told me to be safe and to not die on him which made me laugh

we got back to mystic falls, I get suddenly get nervous for some reason but I pushed it away and gave my stuff to caroline and started walking through the magical border

it all hit me once and since they only compelled a little bit it took a couple seconds , caroline pulled me back quickly

"hey are you okay " she asks worried

" yes " I say breathing fast holding into my chest

"well did you get them back ? " she asks

"yes I did and I'm so mad at damon, I wanna snap his neck so bad " I tell her and she just smiles

me and caroline spend all day together and we went to walk around the park and we saw tyler and stefen arguing so we went to see what was up

when we were close enough to see what was happening tyler took his heart out

"NOOO" I yell tears coming out of my eyes as I see his start desiccating and caroline starts crying as well.

"no stefen come back please , don't leave me " I say touching his face

"I'm going to go tell damon , stay here with him she says crying , I nod and I hug him.

"why stefen , why couldn't it be damon " I whisper , then some voices get my attention , I look up and see marcos and the other travels and they were blocking me from leaving , my tight on stefen got harder

"why did you do this" I yell

"he was annoying , always trying to save people " marcos says laughing

"but it's okay he's on the other side and guess what ? , your going to see him there " he says

I didn't even have time to react as he stakes me right in the heart.

I wake up on the other side but I was at the cemetery and I see bonnie and she looks confused

"vanessa what are you doing here" she asks

"the travelers killed me after they killed stefen" I told her and she looks at me sad and she nods and touches me and them I see stefen and I go and hug him tightly

"what are you doing here vanessa "he asks

"they killed me after they killed you " I tell him and he pulls me into another hug , I look at everyone to see who was here , it was elena , enzo , bonnie , alaric and stefen , I see someone coming and it was lexi , stefen hugs her again and I wait my turn to hug her.

"okay let's go" bonnie yells and everyone touches her , I go and hug lexi and them I see damon coming late and he looks at me confused.

"what are you doing here V" he asks

"travelers killed me after they killed Stefan" I tell him , he surprisingly hugged me for the first time in years and I hugged him back and it felt good hugging him again.

"did stefen make it out" he asks and I nod and he nods back , lexi realized that every person that passes through bonnie and she found peace , now it's me and Damon , we walk over to bonnie and Damon grabs her and nothing happened.

"uh maybe try again "bonnie says

he grabs her shoulders and nothing , I tried and nothing happened.

"well would you look at that" damon says smirking.

oh my god , we won't go back anymore , tears start pouring my eyes and Damon goes and talks to elena and I go say bye to stefen , he was at the house we were staying at , the house looked like a tornado got inside , I see stefen starting at a picture from 1922 , it was stefen and he had an arm around rebekah's shoulder while klaus had one around my waist kissing my cheek while I was smiling at the camara, we looked happy , I mean we were cause that's when I met my first love and them got compelled to forget about him and then I reunited with him and me and stefen because his helpers or whatever , yes both us turned out humanity off that day , god I miss those days. I put my arm on stefens shoulder and I realized I can touch him and stefen turned around fast and looked around the room

"vanessa"he whispers , I grab his hand and he sits on the couch.

"why vanessa , why you " he whispers

"I'm sorry " I tell him even though he can't hear me and I hug him and he hugs back crying , after like us sitting there for 5 minutes I hear and feel the wind so I'm guessing it's time to go , I get up and kiss stefen on the forehead and hug him one last time.

"bye little brother , I love you " I whisper and leave him there crying.

I go back to the graveyard and see damon walking up to bonnie

"how was stefen" he asks

"oh you know he destroyed the house we were staying at , no biggie " I tell him and he smiles and rolls his eyes

"this place is going down isn't it " damon asks.

" yeah , it is " bonnie replys.

"I'm sure there are about 1 million other people we would rather be with right now " I say and hold damon's hands and he holds bonnie's in his other.

"couple thousands at most"damon smiles looking at both of us

"do you think it will hurt"bonnie asks

"I don't kno-"

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