x6 resident evil

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• vanessa •

me and kai go to the closest bar and we wait for someone to come

"vanessa hey , I haven't seen you here in while" the guy says , I nod

"my shift ended but I'll ask the other bartender to get your orders , sorry"the guy says

"you know him?"kai asks

"I used to come here to get my mind off things and he would always serve my drinks cause everytime I came he was working his shift , I honestly didn't pay attention to him I just got drunk , I would go here because I can't go to the mystic grill because of the magic border"I tell him , he nods and I see someone come

"well would you look at that"I tell her

"vanessa? , I thought you died"she says

"well as you can see I'm very much alive , thank you to you and your brother for killing me , congrats"I tell her

"sorry , I tried but he stopped the spell " she says

"whatever , let me get bourbon " I tell her , she nods and I turn to kai

"what do you want" I ask ,

"tequila" he says

"and some tequila liv"I yell

"god I don't like her at all"I tell kai

"what's her name" kai asks

"liv , well Olivia and luke is her twin , and honestly I don't know their last name"I tell him , his eyes widen and I get confused

"what"I ask

"that's her"he says in a deadly voice

"her who"I ask

"remember when I tried to kill the twins and stuff , well that's olivia , olivia parker and her twin is luke parker"he says

"oh shit , can we kill her right now?" I ask

"in a bit"he says as he smirks

" I'm going to need to see an ID because you look young "liv tells kai

kai smirks and gives her his ID

"1972 , nice try "she says

"true story but that's not the most interesting thing on the ID "kai says

"look again , name , address"I tell her , she looks at it and her eyes widen

"malachi parker"she says and tries to leave but kai grabs her hands and siphons here and she yells

"last time I saw you , I was trying to kill you , why don't we pick off where we left off"kai says

"I don't think so"she says as she stabs kai in the arm and she runs , i take the knife out of kai and he closes all the doors so liv couldn't get out

"life is so much easier with magic"kai says

"vanessa why are you helping kai"she says

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