x25 I went to the woods

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"mommy when will we be able to see it uncle stefen?"athena asks as I put her to bed

killian was already sound asleep because he fell asleep in the car

"hopefully soon baby , he will be so happy to see you!"I tell them as I kiss her forehead

"is he scary?"she asks

"not at all , he's a whole teddybear"I tell her while smiling

"does he have powers like us?"she asks

"well you and killian are both heretics but you know how I'm just a vampire? well he's also one like me , you and killian just got mommy's vampire side and daddy's siphon genes"I tell her and she nods

"I wanna be like you when I grow up , super strong"she says and I smile

"you will be sweetheart, get some sleep okay?"I ask and she nods

"you too mommy"

as I walk downstairs to get some water my phone goes off and I look at the name and it was valarie

"Nora and Mary Louise"she says

"what happened to them"I ask confused

"they died.."

"oh...I'm so sorry"I tell her as another wave of sadness hits me

"they didn't know"

"didn't know what?"I ask as I sit in the sofa

"that rayna had stabbed stefan, that his spirit,they probably thought they were doing the world a favor"she says

"well that's awfully generous, of you not of them, considering they never gave a damn about anyone else other than each other so if you're done mourning bout thelma and Mary Louise, I'm not going anywhere with you"I hear Damon's voice and I scoff

"I'm not going anywhere with you"I hear valarie say

"put me on speaker valarie"I tell her

"you're on"she says

"you could have prevented this damon, all you had to do was take stefens scar and put your brother first for once in your life"I tell him

"hey I'm trying to make it right which is why we have to find rayna and get Stefan's soul back in his body"damon says

"the stone is destroyed Damon and Stefan with it"valarie says

"we don't know that!"Damon says

"he's we do if we have logic and a sense of reason and a brain!"I tell him

"I see it differently okay? if Stefan is dead then I'm responsible which means I'm going to spend the rest of eternity haunted and doing penance and seeing my own self loathing reflected in everyone else's actual loathing and I'm not ready for any of those things , ergo he's not dead, try it my way, it's less depressing"Damon says

"I see I've been charitable in assuming you have a brain"valarie says

"you can keep being a Debbie downer or you can do a locater spell and help me find rayna, what do you say?"Damon says and then line goes silent and I hear shuffling

"where the hell are you going?"Damon suddenly asks

"to do what you just told me to do , without you, invisique"I hear valarie say

"really? REALLY?"I hear Damon yell

"vanessa I need your help to find rayna"valarie says

"send me your location"I tell her as I walk to my room to get my shoes , I was still wearing today's outfit which consists of a black skeleton jumper and black jeans

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 18, 2021 ⏰

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