Christmas Cookies (IWSTBS Part 4)

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Description: Bálor pops in to surprise you and makes a pain of himself.

'I care about you.'

Those words have been echoing in your head ever since you left the underworld. You couldn't believe that the demon king himself actually cared about you. A silly mortal who had nothing really of value to offer him and he cared about you. The rest of your time had been spent mainly in a comfortable silence at least for Bálor it was. You couldn't help but keep thinking over his statement, and for the last month and a half, you thought of them nearly every time you thought of the demon king. Now the week before Christmas you found yourself hurrying home from work. You had the weekend off and planned to make Christmas cookies since a snowstorm was headed your way. Bálor being busy like always had told you he'd be popping in before Christmas so maybe he'd be willing to sample your cookies. Unlocking your front door you head into the kitchen after removing your shoes and coat. Setting your bags down you start a pot of some milk for hot chocolate you turn on some Christmas music for background noise. Washing your hands and slipping your apron on a smile graces your face as you open the recipe box, Bálor told you not to use the book again unless he was around. Finding a few of your favorite cookie recipes you first start with making chocolate chip m&m cookies.

Measuring out your ingredients you start softly singing to the radio as you place the dry ingredients in your stand mixer. Watching it spin around you add the baking soda and stir your hot chocolate.

"Only you could manage making an apron look sexy."

Dropping your spoon you whirl around seeing Bálor perched on your counter watching the mixer go round.

"What on earth are you doing?"

"Why do you always pop out of nowhere?!"

"I asked you first."

"Making Christmas cookies and hot chocolate."

"I find your reactions amusing, they bring me a sort of joy I like scaring people."

Bálor smirks as you pick up your spoon washing it off and set it on the counter to continue your cookie making.

"So what brings the demon king here?"

"Well y/n I had some spare time and thought I would pop in to check on you and I am very curious about this cookie making process. Is this cocaine?"

Bálor asks sliding his finger through the baking soda you had spilled and hadn't the chance to clean up yet.

"No! It's not that's baking soda."

Grabbing a rag you clean the mess up then add the butter and eggs into the stand mixer turning it back on. Once completely mixed you turn it off again along with the stove pouring yourself a mug.

"Want some?"

"What is it?"

"Hot chocolate trust me you'll enjoy it just make sure to blow on it because it's hot I need to use the bathroom."

"Have fun."

Bálor says watching you walk away then grabs your mug sniffing it the demon king takes a sip, his eyes widening slightly.

"This is decent."

Taking another sip he pokes through the bags you brought home and pulls out the chocolate chips you bought. He was curious not having made cookies before nor had chocolate, he opens the bag just to sample one. And then a second and a third, by the time you leave the bathroom the bag is nearly empty and your mug of hot chocolate gone. Walking into the kitchen you stop seeing Bálor sat on the counter with the bag of chips in his hand and the almost empty mug.

"Bálor? What did you do? You ate most of my chocolate chips and my drink is nearly gone! I wasn't even in the bathroom that long, those were all I had! I really don't wanna have to go back out for more."

Frowning you take the mug from him and refill it for yourself while also getting him his own mug of hot chocolate. Setting it down you take the bag looking in, you were lucky if he left ten in there.

"How are you not sick?"

"It's chocolate, how silly are you? It's not going to make me sick y/n I'm a demon for hell's sake. Come on let's go watch something in your lounge."

"No, I want to get these cookies made and you've ruined it for me. I don't want to watch anything and now I have to go back out in the snow to buy more chips."

You huff putting the bag back down on the counter putting your stuff away till you get back. Bálor frowns watching you grabbing your chin Bálor searches your gaze.

"You're really upset about this aren't you?"

"I'm annoyed and a bit upset yes there's a storm and I don't want to get stuck out in it."

Snapping his fingers Bálor makes a bag of chips appear in your hands and he releases your chin with a smile.

"There now you have more chips and don't have to leave, is all forgiven?"

"We'll see thank you."

You continue with the batch of cookies and start scooping them onto baking trays,  washing everything up you start on some sugar cookies. This time allowing Bálor to help make the batter this time by hand. Sipping your hot chocolate you giggle seeing some batter on his nose grabbing your phone you secretly snap a picture saving it. Taking out the chocolate chip cookies you place them on the clean counter. Setting a timer for the sugar cookies you wipe off Bálor's nose telling him to meet you in the lounge. Walking over to the couch you scream when he appears right as you sit down.

"Can't you be normal and walk?"

"Where's the fun in that?"

Grabbing the remote Bálor turns the tv on and searches for a Christmas movie to watch he wasn't used to them so he took your word for it when you told him to stop on the Grinch. Wrapping his arms around your waist and resting his chin on your shoulder the two of you sit in silence watching the movie.

"Did you mean what you said on Halloween? You know caring about me in stuff?"

"I may be the demon king but one thing I am not is dishonest to you, yes I meant it."

"Hmmm I care about you too and all is forgiven."

Placing a kiss to his cheek you stand grabbing a blanket this time cuddling into his side as the movie plays.

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