His Queen (Balor)

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Description: The Demon King finds out what a period is.

The Demon King was used to all kinds of blood, be it human or other so the sight never bothered him. But when he learned of his queen's time of the month he was outraged.

"What do you mean you bleed for a week or more every single month?!"

"It's true my king and even then, it's different with every person's cycle."

"The pain is something you all push through as well, yes?"

"Depending on how bad it is that's correct I usually just use a heating pad while I work; if possible, otherwise I'd wait till I return home to relax."

"So, this is why you get sassy and rude with me?"

"Fraid so my king but I always do my best to watch my words and apologize if I've said anything mean."

"I'm the Demon King you've no such need to apologize for being mean I thrive off it. And you don't get the products at a cheaper price or even free despite it being a necessity?"

"No, I'm not sure how it is for every country but most places I believe you do have to pay a good bit for them. Not everyone can afford it which is why so many are trying to change it."

"Well, you just let me know if you need anything no love of mine is going to pay for necessary products."

And true to his word Balor always made sure you had a good stock of whatever product you needed. Your favorite sweets and snacks were placed in a special area so nobody would bother them. After his kingly duties were finished the two of you would soak together in a hot bath. His clawed hands slowly rubbing your stomach and doing the best to ease any pain or discomfort you felt.

Taking his time to dry you off the king would leave you to dress in your most comfortable clothes. When you were finally ready a bottle of water would be in one hand while some medicine would be in the other. Your favorite show pulled up on your laptop, the two of you would curl up together in the large bed. One of the things you adored most about your husband was despite being cold and 'heartless' he cared and loved you like no other.

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