36 | a little trip

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"You stupid bitch," Hank forcefully threw me down back into a cell, the metal poles hitting my back. I winced at the impact but didn't let it stop me from immediately lifting myself back up and running into Hank, tackling him into the wall.

My hands were, unfortunately, once again handcuffed behind me. But that didn't mean I couldn't inflict some pain. I lifted my leg between his legs, hitting him where it hurt. As he bent over with a large grunt, I lifted my knee into his face, over and over. Without my hands holding him there, he managed to escape though.

He tried to throw a punch at me, which I dodged. Countering his attack, I threw up my right leg and swung it towards his face.

Despite all the force I put into the roundhouse kick, he had already predicted my kick. He grabbed my foot before it could hit him and twisted until I fell down. I sat back up on my knees, trying to get back up. Then he appeared in my face.

"Don't forget who taught you those tricks, Babe," He leaned down towards me.

Bad idea.

I threw my head into his, head butting his ugly face and knocking him back a step. I tried to make a run for it as he was distracted.

"You really thought you could trick me?"

He grabbed me up by my hair, twisting it between his calloused fingers, I winced as he forced me back into the cell. "Judging by your face, I think I tricked you pretty good," I smiled despite him tightening his grip. What I said must've angered him as I saw his face turn from smiling to sinister.

He quickly used his hold on my hair to slam my face into the cement wall beside me. Hard.

So fucking hard I forgot where I was for a second. But then it came back to me.

He called a few of his henchmen to help drag me back down to the cells in cuffs, cursing the entire way and clutching his bleeding shoulder. If I wasn't in this position right now, I'd be giggling over finally stabbing him.

Blood trickled down from my forehead, down my cheek, dripping off of my lips. My nose felt broken and I grunted from the impact. My face was scraped from the rough walls.

He released his hold on my hair and shoved my shoulders back with full force. Before I could gather myself and recover from my dizziness, I fell straight back onto the concrete. My back hit the cold, unforgiving floor and my breath was knocked out of me. I gasped for air, feeling like my lungs were on fire as he closed the door behind him with a lock.

Everything became quiet, and I was powerless against the heavy weight pulling my eyes closed.


"Wakey, Wakey, Dollface. Well- maybe not Dollface anymore," a familiar, taunting voice laughed as light appeared in the cell. The black figure that the voice belonged to moved towards me, it's face finally coming in to focus.


Hank held up a short, silver knife to my eye, "See this?" he asked. To which I sarcastically replied 'no' to in my head.

He turned to look at the knife, speaking in a condescending voice, "This here is a knife. One I have sharpened. And sharpened. And sharpened. Now, unless you want this right here in that big, brown eye of yours, you'll do what I say, won't you?"

He took my silence as a yes.

"Good," he pet the top of my head slowly, "now let's go take a little trip downstairs," he smiled.


Adriano Moretti's POV

I couldn't feel it anymore.

None of the cuts. None of the impacts. I could no longer feel the dripping of my own blood from my head to my feet.

I couldn't hear him.

None of his taunts. None of his threats. I blocked his voice out. Everything was quiet.

The deafening quietness was soon upended by the familiar clanking of keys into the lock, signaling someone was coming in to give me another beating.

I prepared myself, tensing my muscles and holding my breath. And I began to block out the sounds. Just like you always do.

Until I heard her voice.



a/n: OMG NOT US GETTING OVER 111,000 READS!! u guys we did it. well, no, YOU did it. ily.

this story has grown so much and i'm so happy that u guys actually enjoy it.

i love reading your comments, and yes i read like almost every single one 😳😳


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