45 | on your back

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warning: violence and abuse mentions


You won't believe how easy it was to get those ugly shitheads running right into my trap. I yanked back the phone from Hank, keeping my knife exactly where it was, closely pointing at his "man"hood. Sweat was forming over his brow as he stared down terrified at the knife, having no idea what I was going to do next to him.

That's always been one of my strengths-my unpredictability. I'm sure those sad fucks running upstairs now would have no idea that I was waiting up here for them, Hank's gun loaded and ready, waiting patiently in my other hand. God, I love my job. As I looked over to Hank, into his scared, little eyes, I remembered exactly how he used to look down on me all those years. And I realized I loved revenge even more.

Eventually I heard heavy footsteps rushing toward the door and I prepared myself for the fun. I turned away from Hank and set my attention fully on the door. Our first guest to arrive was ugly and bald headed, and my gun fired without a second thought into his chest. He immediately yelled and fell to the ground with a thud. Dumbass. His partner, however, seemed smarter. He noticed what had happened to his friend and quickly dropped to the ground, avoiding my gunfire.

"You wanna play? We can play," I laughed as he tried to sneak off behind the wall.

I made the move to follow after him but not before I felt a sharp pain in my back. My body fell and I landed on my knees. My hands felt around behind me looking for the source of the pain when they touched a familiar handle. A fucking knife.

White hot pain seared throughout my body. God, this shit was deep. I felt paralyzed where I was and my teeth locked down, grinding against eachother because of the pain.

I felt hot, wet breath in my ear as a voice spoke, "You'll never best me, Dollface."

You have got to be kidding me. There is no way this is happening. Come on, bitch. Get up. Force yourself up. Now.

I tried to step up but could feel hot liquid seeping down my back, soaking my dress.

The guard from before suddenly decided to reappear again, this time not trying to hide and sneak off. He soared after me, knife in hand.

Move bitch. You have to move.

I lunged out of the way, hitting the ground on my right side. The movement ached beyond belief but there was no way i'm letting this guy stab me too.

I moved to stand, but not before Hank's foot kicked me down once more, holding me against the floor.

The guard came back, swinging once again. I kicked my leg up as he moved it, colliding it with his groin. He fell back with a thud, knocking Hank back with him. He then was cradling his manhood as he laid on his back.

I took the chance to crawl on top of him. He swung his knife at me once more, but I kept my foot planted on his shoulder so he couldn't get any closer. The knife swung in front of my face, missing me by and inch or two.

I grabbed his wrist and dug my fingernails into his pressure point until I broke skin, releasing hot red blood down his arms. The knife fell from his limo wrist. Picking it up, I swiftly flew it into his chest. Pulling it out, I shoved it back in one more time for good measure.

I was yanked off of the guard by my hair as I yelled. Hank threw me back on the ground, I rolled to my side to avoid landing on the knife still protruding from my back. Yanking it out would only cause me to bleed more, and i cant risk passing out right now.

Hank grabbed my face in between his calloused fingers, holding it so tightly my jaw ached and my cheeks squished together.

"Let me show you what real power is, Doll."


Adriano Moretti

The guards had left us a few minutes ago, I was still lying in the snow, too injured to move. I coughed harshly, red blood spitting from my mouth onto the white snow.

Mary had sat up, casting anxious glances my way. I could see she was worried about if I was going to make it.

"Adriano, we have to move," She spoke, lifting my arm.

I groaned harshly as I tried to get up, my whole body screaming at me.

"Adriano, I cant carry you myself, you have to help me." She looked so defeated and tired. My bones ached and sharp pains stabbed all throughout with every breath I took.

"M-Mary I do-" My hosrse, crackly voice was interrupted by gunshots.

Mine and Mary's heads both snapped up to the upstairs window.

Soon after, I heard a yell.

I recognized the voice, even though I had never heard her like that before. She was in pain. She was hurt. Suddenly, my injuries were of no matter and I found myself on my feet, starting towards the front door we had just so eagerly left. 

Mary looked confused, "Where the hell at you going? The exit is right here!"

"I'm going to get her."



I thrashed about as Hank pressed himself into me. He held me down so tightly. I had no weapon nearby to defend myself. I could feel my back leaking slowly around me, soaking my clothing.

He gripped my face hard, making me look into his cold eyes. "What do you say we bring back old times?" He smirked as he pulled my face into his, pressing his lips over my unwilling ones. I screamed inside my mouth as he did, my legs kicking and thrashing, hoping I could get them to kick him.

I wasn't a stranger to his tactics. Hank loved to force me to do things. Like a little power play for him.

Not anymore.

I bit down on his lip until I tasted blood, and then I bit  down even more. He could barely rip it away by the time he noticed and started to yell.

"You fucking bitch," he slapped my face, I felt my teeth meet my cheek. I couldn't tell if it was my own blood I was tasting or his at this point.

My ears rang and his face and the surroundings began to get blurry.

I wont let him do this to me again.

I wont.

I had already made up my mind as to what I was going to do as a voice dragged me out of my dizzy state. "Bella!" it yelled. It wasn't Hank this time. It was a voice I loved.

It knocked me back into my senses.

And as I looked up into Hank's smug face, I smiled at him.

I pulled the knife out of my back.

Then shoved it into his neck.

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