34 | bloodlust

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tw - gore

Thinking that I had anything to do with Moretti getting hurt by Hank made my stomach churn. I felt all the food we had just eaten rise to the back of my throat.

It didn't help that Hank was near me too. His face made me sick.

I looked to Hank and whispered so that the other dinner guests couldn't hear, "Can I be excused?" I had to still play nice, that's the only way I was gonna get anywhere.

Hank raised a brow. "Please," I added on. This seemed to satisfy him as he waived me off with his hand then turned back to the conversation at the table.

Before I could leave, I heard a dinner guest laugh, "Why stop at just cutting off the Italian scum's hand? Why not send his Mommy his tongue?" They all laughed heartily.

I looked back to see who said that. A fat white male. Pin striped undershirt. Navy suit. Fake diamond ring on right hand.

Another man turned to the fat man, "You're so bad, Michaelson!" He laughed.

So Michaelson was his name.

Michaelson laughed at the other man, "Davis, weren't you the one who wanted to start feet first?"

I'll remember that.


I managed to drag myself to the bathroom before emptying the entire contents of my stomach into the toilet. I flushed the toilet and pulled myself up to the sink.

The bruises had been hidden well by all the makeup. My hair was done, only a single stray piece falling over my forehead. I had jewels dangling from my ears and wrapped around my neck.

Here I was eating all this fancy food, all cleaned up, meanwhile God knows how Moretti is.

I wanted to cry. Almost.

I had to go back before Hank noticed I had been gone too long. I'm surprised he even let me leave his side without armed bodyguards following me. Seems like the innocent act is working. He's letting his guard down. Stupid.

I waltzed back into the dining room, holding my head high. I could feel the men's eyes on my figure which was on full display due to Hank's perverted choice of dress. I wanted to slit their throats. It had been too long since I killed.

But I managed to resist the urge. For now.

So I sat at the table, smiling when looked at and laughing at their dry jokes for hours.


"I think it's time we parted, Gentlemen. I will keep you updated on the money situation. I think the Pesci family will be paying up for Catalina at any time. If not, I'll have to pay her a visit down in the basement," he laughed, followed by the laughter of all the other men.

"Please, Gentlemen, enjoy your night here. Your rooms are on the first floor."

They left one by one.

Hank grasped my arm tightly, I could tell he was a bit tipsy. "Time for bed, Little Bitch."

I nodded and he walked me down the up the stairs and down the long hallway. We ran into the two maids and Hank pushed me roughly towards them. "Here, take her to her room. I'm tired."

The maids nodded silently and lead me to my room as Hank left back down the hall into his room.

As soon as he was out of earshot, I leaned towards the maid on my right. She was a short, tiny woman, somehow even shorter than me.
"I have been feeling sick all night, can you excuse me to the bathroom?"

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