37 - hopeless

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Psycho's POV

Hank held the knife to my eye as we took each step one by one, slowly making our way down the staircase I hadn't even known existed.

Where the fuck was he taking me?

The air became increasingly cold and damp as we ventured further into the unknown basement. Blood continued to drip off of me, leaving a trail down every step. Finally, a door appeared in front of us. Thick and bolted shut, it appeared to be holding something important inside of it.

Hank went ahead of me to unlock the door. His henchman behind me holding a gun to my head, keeping me still. I felt so powerless.

The door opened, revealing a blacked out room. One single light hung from the ceiling, barely illuminating what was inside.

But I still knew.

"Moretti?" My cracked voice called out to the familiar silhouette in the dark.

Tall, large, sitting crumpled tied to the chair in front of me he sat.

Upon hearing me, his head raised from its hanging position. His face was battered and bruised, much like mine. Except worse. He looked up at me, blinking rapidly as if he was trying to wake himself up from a dream.

Hank had a grasp on me, holding me by my cuffs. "How's Bella's Boy Toy been doing?" he laughed, "That's rhetorical, by the way. I don't actually care." Hank smiled. My eyes hardened into slits.

"Figured I would let you two lovebirds see each other, at least one last time," Hank smiled, pointing between Moretti and I.

"And you know why, Dollface-Not-So-Dollface, because that is just the kind of generous guy I am!" He laughed as Moretti continued to stare at me like I wasn't real. What have they been doing to him?

"Psycho, you know just how nice I can be," he groped me through my shirt with his disgusting hands. This sparked a reaction out of Moretti. He lifted himself out of his seat, fighting against the cuffs which chained his bloodied wrists to the chair.

I gritted my teeth but knew not to say anything that could wreck my chances right now.

"So, say your goodbyes you too. Have fun! He'll be dead this time tomorrow." Hank unlocked my cuffs then harshly by shoved me to the floor as he locked the door back from the outside. I caught myself on my palms, scraping them against the concrete.

As soon as I heard Hank's retreating footsteps, I flung myself towards Moretti.

"Moretti, l-listen I will get you out of-"

A voice interrupted mine . "Tesoro," his voice rasped. He gently shook his head at me. "It is alright." He stared down at me with a small smile, one eye blackened.

I was confused. "Moretti, you can't give up on me." My eyebrows knitted together, searching his face for any answers.

"Bella, I'd never give up on you. Don't be ridiculous. But this is a fight we did not win. You heard him, i'll be gone this time tomorrow." He shrugged his shoulders then winced at the movement.

I shook my head, falling back to my knees in front of him. "N-No. I don't want to be without you, Moretti." I felt the realization of the situation hit me. My powerlessness. Moretti's life was going to be taken. By the same man who took my life away from me. I couldn't save him.

I spoke again, "I am so sorry."

"What for, Bella?" Moretti asked me as I laid my head on his lap.

"This is all my fault, all of it."

"Look up at me, Cuore mio." I listened and faced up to look at him. "There's no moment I regret."

I looked down at my hands, which were wet for some reason. Drops fell into my palms. Was the ceiling leaking or something? I looked up to try and find it but only felt the sensation of water falling down my own face.

I was crying. Real crying.

I looked back to him, "Thank you. You were the only one who could ever make me feel. You taught me how. I'm forever grateful to you."

The locks began to jiggle, someone on the other side was about to get in. Moretti hurried and spoke.

Moretti smiled with a cracked, busted lip. "I'd rather die tomorrow than have lived without ever knowing you, Bella. Don't forget that. You are so much more than what you have been told."

I leaned in and grabbed his cheeks, pulling him in for a final kiss. Both of us resisted from pulling away, but the door was beginning to open.

"I love you," Moretti whispered. I placed my hand on his cheek as I backed away, he pushed his cheek into my palm as much as he could, then kissed my palm.

"Sorry to interrupt, but not really," Hank entered the room. Three henchmen held me against the wall as he put my cuffs back on and pulled me out of the room, my eyes trained solely on Moretti.

He shut the door behind us when we made it back to the staircase. Instead of walking up the stairs, he stepped in front of me.

"Now, Miss Psycho, I know exactly how idiotic you are and I know you will try something. So just to be sure you don't ruin any of my plans for tomorrow..."

His henchmen held me in place as Hank pulled out his gun, holding it up to my head.

I closed my eyes and took in a deep breath. I love you too, Moretti.

The butt of the gun was forcefully smacked against my head, knocking me out cold.


is this chapter any good? idk but i really did try and i hope you got some enjoyment out of it <3

pls vote and comment i love to hear your feedback

and feel free to message me i will always try my best to reply

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