24 | sneaking in

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Before the car had even slowed in the parking lot of the abandoned building, I had opened my door, preparing to jump out,

A large hand reached across me and forcefully yanked the car door shut. "Bella, what the hell are you doing?" Moretti asked, his words coming out worried and fast.

"Saving Mary," I answered like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

Moretti scanned the parking lot. "But Bella, we don't even have guns on us." His face was concerned.

A giggle escaped my lips, which were still somehow painted red by Mary's lipstick.

The giggles turned into laughter, and before I knew it I was doubled over in my seat, clutching my sides tightly.

As I fought to catch my breath, I spoke, "'We don't have any guns' he says," and my laughter grew even louder.

Moretti's face only looked confused...and a little bit scared, which was a look I liked on him.

In order to ease his mind, I lifted the skirt of my dress to my thighs and revealed two guns strapped to each leg.

Moretti's eyes widened. "Oh, so that's what I felt earlier," He said, almost to himself.

I rolled my eyes and reached deep down into the cleavage of my dress and pulled out one more gun, "Here." I grabbed his hand from his lap and laid the gun in the middle of his palm. His eyes filled with awe at my actions and his mouth fell open only the slightest bit.

I tipped my head towards the building, "Let's go."

He followed me out of the car as we sneaked close to the building. We had gone to the back side as to avoid getting caught too early.

The missing hotel car had been backed up to block off the back door completely, leaving no way to enter there.

Moretti quietly caught my attention and pointed towards a broken window.

Now this could be a way to get in.

The hole looked big enough to fit through. I patted his back as I walked over, "Good boy," I praised him.

I slid inside without making a sound. After I took one step away from the window, I felt something pulling me back. Alarmed, I jerked my head back to see what it was. My dress had caught onto a broken piece of glass. I pulled at it but to no avail. It was stuck.

Moretti noticed the situation and pulled out a small pocket knife from his pocket and cut off the part of my dress that had hooked onto it and which had still refused to let go. "There," he assured me.

He climbed through shortly after and we examined the room we were in. It was small and empty, the floor coated in dust and dirt, the dilapidated ceilings and walls showing just how old this building really was.

"Jesus Christ, it looks like this shit is gonna cave in any second now," I laughed, however, still keeping my voice lower and quieter than normal.

Moretti turned his handsome face up at the sight of the infested building.

We heard a door slam, both of us almost jumped. It had sounded like it came from down the hall. My hand instantly reached for my gun at my leg, but the long, heavy material of my dress blocked it.

Instead of lifting my dress everytime I needed my gun, I gestured to Moretti. He came close and pulled his pocket knife back out, cutting the front of my dress at my thighs. As he drug his knife against the material, I held onto his wide shoulders to balance myself. 

I tried not to remind myself of what we had been doing before, now was the time to focus on saving Mary. But my mind was traitorous, all I could do was remember how his hands felt against me, how he felt under me.

And how bad I wanted it again. How bad I wanted more.

I mentally slapped myself and I pushed myself away from him. "We should...distance ourselves," I told him. His eyes crinkled with a knowing look along with his smirk, "Oh yeah?"

I felt my face get a bit warm, "Yes," I deadpanned.

He nodded his head, humor written on his face.

Another thump came from down the hall.

I grabbed one of my guns, holding it out in front as I opened the door to the hallway with the other arm.

The door opened with a slight creak, and I winced. I hope no one heard that.

I leaned against the doorway and peered into the hallway, checking for anyone. It was suspiciously empty, but the rats ran around on the floor as if they had been disturbed by something or someone.

I tilted my head towards the hallway, motioning for Moretti to follow. And he did, my gun in his hands, watching carefully with his sharp eyes. I could see the focus on his face as he scanned the hallway up and down.

Another thud came, and it became obvious which door it came from behind. Moretti and I looked at eachother, knowing what it meant.

We slowly snuck down the hallway, standing right in front of the door.

A muffled voice spoke from inside the room. The man huffed loudly, "The bitch sure puts up a fight," he laughed, "I'll be ready for the the other two to come, then we can finally slit her throat." I heard other male voices laugh along with him.

Moretti seethed beside me and raised an arm to the doorknob, preparing to turn it and reveal ourselves.

I grabbed his arm to stop him and shook my head.

I pointed to the shadows right under the door, definitely the feet of whoever was guarding this room. They'd feel us pushing against the door and know of our presence right away.

I gestured for Moretti to back up. I grabbed my other gun in my left hand and lifted both of them up high, aiming right at the wooden door in front of us.

I shot through the door and didn't stop releasing ammo until I heard the bodies in front of the door hit the ground with a thud.

Without hesitation, I kicked what was left of the door down, kicking the two bodies out of my way with a stiletto-wearing foot.

Smiling brightly, I lifted my guns back up and put my fingers back on the trigger.

"Hey boys."

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