43 | blood-stained snow

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The bitch was fucking gone.

I had never seen myself as the type to form emotional attachments. It was always just me and myself. But now I had people I cared about.

And this bitch had hurt them and betrayed them. And now she's gone...all thanks to him.

I whipped my head back to look at the man grabbing onto my ankle with a menacing glare.

Now he'd really fucking done it.

He smirked devilishly at my anger.

So I cocked back my leg, forced it back towards him, and planted my high heel in his eye.

He screamed and rolled over on the ground as I got back up, standing over him once again.

"I'm not fucking playing around anymore, Hank."

I kicked him, causing his body to flip over as he continued to cradle his face. I was seething, my blood boiling more than it ever had before.

This would be fun.

Mary's POV

Adriano's body was so heavy, even with him trying his best to hold himself up. The man was humongous, and it made me rethink the portions of food I made for him back at the mansion. He wheezed with every step, trying to keep his weight off me so it wouldn't be too much for me.

Psycho had given me a gun, which felt completely foreign in my hands. The cool steel against my fingers kept me on edge. I figured it had the opposite effect on Psycho, she seemed to love the thrill.

However, even Adriano wasn't like that. He had always been kept out of the "business" as a child, despite his family being so powerful. They had wanted to keep him sheltered. But after Mr. Moretti's death, Adriano had no choice but to take his father's place as the head of the house and family trade.

Adriano had still been adjusting to this life and I had prayed it wouldn't make him cold hearted. However, after this...after Natalia, I couldn't tell you how this might change him.

But right now I had to focus, Psycho had given me a task. Get him and myself out of here. And there's absolutely no way I want to deal with her wrath if I don't succeed.

We hadn't come across any of Hank's men yet, them most likely being too busy trying to find the other numerous hostages released throughout the mansion.

I could smell the sweat and grime on my skin, I had been locked up for far too long down there. However, I could see the door to the outside. Slowly, Adriano and I limped over towards it.

Freedom would soon be ours.

I threw open the door, revealing a snowy white landscape, the sky pure black. Numerous black
SUVS were parked outside. If I could just make
it over to one, we would be sa-

A bullethole formed into the snow in front of me.

I stood in shook, trying to process what just happened and soon another hit the snow, this one much closer than before.

I turned around, remembering what Psycho told me, and I pulled the trigger, releasing fire into the three men rushing towards me.

I managed to hit one of them, his tall body falling into the white snow below. The others continued to run after us, their steps crunching the snow beneath their feet. I had let Adriano go to hold the gun, and he had slumped to his knees. The other men closed in on us but I couldn't help but feel proud of myself for hitting the man before I was tackled down, my face shoved into the red-stained snow below me.

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