16 | look away

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Adriano Moretti's POV

My ego was still reeling from the beating it took last night when Bella left me standing there. What kind of pathetic excuse for a powerful leader was I? Standing there, my cheeks wet with my own tears.

Even thought she left, I was glad she had let me hold her. My arms had fit so perfectly around her petite frame. I never wanted to let her go. But it was what she wanted. She didn't want me.

And I would do well to remember that.

I had stayed away from the house as long as I could today, trying to evade her. Currently, I was in the back of the car on my way back home, thinking of whatever I could to get myself not to go in there and embrace her. All I wanted to do was touch her. And I would do it, if I didn't come up with something.

Her big brown eyes would look at me and I'd be entranced. She was hard and mean, but her eyes betrayed her. So soft and sweet. Like big puppy dog eyes you could never even fathom saying 'no' to.

Then her hair, long and light brown, but strawberry blonde in the sunlight. Her skin, pale and so-

Jesus fucking Christ. What is wrong with me? Do I not have any self respect? The woman ripped my heart out of my chest and stomped it into the floor.

And here I am obsessing over her.

Perhaps if I just, don't look at her. Don't remind myself of how dreadfully gorgeous she is.

Maybe then I'll forget. And the both of us will be able to return to our jobs with nothing personal.

Just don't look at her.


The car slowed and I heard the familiar sound of gravel under the tires as we stopped. Remembering my plans, I smoothed my palms along my grey slacks and got out of the car.

"Thank you, Hiram." I nodded towards the driver and he nodded back with a, "Of course, Sir."

He trembled almost every time I spoke to him. Like most men and women did for 29 years of my life.

How the hell was everyone else afraid of me but her?

My guards followed closely behind me. One rushed ahead and opened the door.

The door opened to reveal the butler smiling, "Hello, Sir. It's great to have you back." I nodded towards him, not feeling like conversing. I shoved my hands in my pockets and swiftly made my way towards the staircase, trying my best to avoid her.

She didn't seem to be in the general vicinity, so I didn't have to worry about seeing her.

But her not being in the room didn't stop the sound of her melodic laugh drifting out of the kitchen and into the main hall. She was in there laughing with somebody.

I kicked myself for wishing I was the one who made her laugh and forced my legs to go upstairs and lock myself in my room for the remained of the night.


It was late and I still was unable to sleep. I looked over at the clock beside my bed and frowned. 4:47am. Great.

I got out of the bed, my skin feeling hot. The air is my room was suffocating, so I stalked over towards the window and opened it, revealing the dark sky and a cool wind that chilled my bare skin.

I felt so restless knowing she was right across the hall and I couldn't touch her. Couldn't grab fistfuls of her hair. Couldn't take her into another kiss. Couldn't drag her into bed with me like I wanted to.

With a groan, I pulled at my hair. These thoughts were becoming too much.

A/N: it's been a while, whoops. i apologize over been busy with classes and was struggling to write.

this is short, i'm aware.

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