30 | shiver

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A cold rush of water woke me back up with a gasp. But once again, I didn't recognize the room I was in.

My brain could hardly focus, my body beginnning to shiver and tremble. I noticed my dress had been stripped off, leaving my only in my bra, thong, and garters.

The chair I was sitting in was cold and the surrounding room seemed very clean and clinical. Perhaps this was an infirmary of sorts. The stethoscope and wide range of other instruments in the back corner of the room told me I was right.

A figure squatted down to look me in my eyes.

"How was your nap?" He laughed. "You hit the ground pretty hard, you know? I ended up having to bring you here."

I felt the dull ache in the back of my head pulse.

"If you would've been good and shut up," Hank roughly grabbed my cheeks and squeezed them, causing my lips to pucker out, "I wouldn't have had to do that. You made me do that, Babe."

Typical Hank. Never taking responsibility. He Always having to blame someone else.

More like typical males.

I moved to cover myself with my arms, my skin desperately crying out for any kind of warmth, but the metal around my wrist didn't allow me to do so.

"Not so fast. I told you, no hand privileges," He laughed. But I did not.

He watched amused as my brown eyes looked up at him with pure, silent rage.

"You know," he began to circle me, "you have gotten so much more...mature since the last time I've seen you like this." He gave a disgusting grope.

The memories of what he did before I ran away tried to claw their way back in my head. But I couldn't let them tear me apart, not anymore.

I had a game to play.

"Say," I started speaking, forcing a sensual tone, "why don't you get me out of these handcuffs and I'll show you everything I've learned."

He looked intrigued and almost a bit shocked that I finally started speaking.

He leaned in once again, "I taught you that little trick. Fluttering those little brown eyes won't get you out of this."

Damn it.

"Now come on, you've got some people to meet."


Hank led me back down into another section of the basement, holding a knife to my back. I still shivered from before and goosebumps formed on my bare, wet skin.

My dark hair dripped down my back, making me freeze.

This part of the basement was darker and instead of the one cage, it was an entire hall lined with them.

Hank silently lead me to the end cage. But as I looked in the ones we passed by, I saw each one had a person inside of it.

They all sat with their heads hung low, having given up.

Hank quickly unlocked the door of the cell on the end, then without a pause he roughly shoved me inside.

I fell in with a grunt, scraping my knees on the hard ground.

I stood up and turned to face Hank. "You can't keep me in here." I stood my ground, my voice angry yet cool toned.

He smiled in my face, "Oh, I think I can."

And he left. His hollow footsteps echoing across the basement walls. He locked the door behind him and the basement was once again filled with silence and the sounds of shallow breathing.

With a huff, I threw myself against the wall, my hands locked behind me still. I sat with my head hung low like the rest, not sure what I could do.

How the fuck was I supposed to get out?

A small voice came from the cell on my right.

"Bella?" The voice was quiet and breathy.

I squinted and leaned forward to get a better view in the dark room. I crawled across the floor to see who the voice belonged to.


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