04|time to get comfortable

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The next few days I didn't see Moretti. Maybe he was busy with work or maybe he was hiding from me. The second option would bode well for him. It's not a good idea to have me stay here.

I bring death and destruction everywhere I go.

For some reason I cannot seem to understand, I want to protect him from that death and destruction that looms over me and follows my every move. Not like one of the biggest mafia leaders even needs my protection, though.

Yet, he won't let me leave. I tell the guards that pull me back inside the manor that 'Its for Moretti's own good' yet they are on strict orders to not let me leave. Apparently, Moretti wants my killer skills all to himself. For that to happen, I can't be sniped in the head walking to the fridge in my apartment.

This house is dark and boring. I've thought about looking around and exploring but it's way less fun when there's nobody to sneak up on. It's empty here. Of course, there's the occasional maid passing by but they usually don't speak very good English and have no interest in talking to the scary lady with weapons all in her room.

I was sitting in the floor, cleaning my knives, when I heard talking downstairs. The sound was muffled but I could still recognize Moretti's deep voice mumbling a few words. I instantly stopped what I was doing and creeped out of my room and down the hallway.

I peeked over the balcony and saw Moretti speaking to another handsome guy who was shorter yet his muscles were far larger. His buff body in contrast to Moretti's tall and lean one. The man he was speaking to had tan skin, dark hair—similar to Moretti—but had brown eyes. Their body language indicated they were close friends and I deemed the man to be trustworthy.

"Adriano, we've been buddies since we were four, let me see her. I won't mess up your plans." He whined. So I was right, they are friends.

"Santiago, trust me, you don't want to meet her. I can't trust her around you. She can turn from joking to deadly like that." He said as he snapped his fingers. Aw, he must be talking about me.

They were looking at each other as they neared the balcony, almost about to walk under it. I climbed over the rail, hooked my feet in between the bar, and flung my body down until I was hanging upside down from the balcony, right in front of them.

"Moretti, you're home." I said with a smirk.

Both of their heads whipped towards me, meeting my gaze head on.

"Dear Jesus!" Santiago yelled as he put his hands over his chest to calm his heart.

"Psycho, if you break my balcony-" Moretti warned.

"You know, it's quite rude not to introduce me to your friend." I crossed my arms and raised a brow.

Moretti huffed, "Psycho, this is-"

"Santiago," I interrupted, "nice you meet you."

Santiago flashed a perfect set of white teeth. "Hey there, Spider-Man." He joked.

"Wanna be my Mary Jane?" I made my brows dance.

"Would I?" He said as leaned in to recreate the famous kissing scene before somebody rudely interrupted.

Moretti put his hand over Santiago's mouth. "Ah ah ah. There will be none of that." He said before he continued walking away.

I grabbed the railing and brought my legs down before releasing and landing on my feet on the first floor.

"You're no fun, Adriano." Santiago whined.

"Yeah, Adriano, you won't call me Daddy, you won't let me leave, and you won't let me reenact iconic kissing scenes with your cute friends." I also whined.

Moretti turned around, "You are here for your protection, so no you can't leave, it's not safe. Santiago has no business touching you. And calling you that name is inappropriate." He said sternly.

"Buzzkill." Santiago and I both murmured at the same time.

"Is there any news on the people who are trying to kill me this time?" I asked, serious now.

"We haven't found anything solid. Most of the signs however point to Giovanni." Moretti said, rubbing his forehead.

"Giovanni..." I said to myself. "Oh yeah, I killed his wife." I chuckled. "Almost forgot about that one."

The room went silent.

"She bled a lot." I added on. A slight smile crept onto my face as I looked back on the fond memories.

I looked up to see Moretti holding his face in his hands, resting his elbows on the countertop while Santiago was staring at me with his mouth handing open.

"You were right, she can turn crazy fast." He said. I smiled my sweetest smile at him.

"Anywho, it's late. Moretti, there's one thing we need to discuss." He looked up at me and nodded.

"I'll head back to headquarters and try to investigate some more." Santiago said before excusing himself.

"What is it?" Moretti asked as he turned to me.

"Well, you see, I don't have any clothes to wear. Ive worn all my outfits I brought. Maybe I can go get some more from my apart-"

"No," he interrupted, "just go get something from my room."

"Okay." I said as we walked upstairs and he unlocked his bedroom door for me to enter.

"No fucking fair, your room is ten times better than mine."

"Well, I do own the house." He said.

"Well, I could kill everybody in the house." I countered back.

"Don't test me, Psycho." He warned and I stopped.

He led me to his closet and picked out a bunch of dark T-shirts for me to wear and gave me four pairs of drawstring sweatpants.

"Thanks, hunny bunny," I winked and turned out the door. I heard him sigh before the door closed.

I took a shower before slipping on a dark gray shirt that went down mid-thigh. Once I placed all my weapons that I was cleaning earlier back into their respective posts, I went to bed.

I woke up to a quiet knocking on my door. I knew it wasn't Moretti because he would've just let himself in. Instead it was Lydia, an older woman who worked as a maid here.

"Mr. Moretti wants you downstairs for breakfast." She said in a heavily accented voice.

I didn't think he liked me all too well but I still went anyways because it was an opportunity to eat.

I hastily walked downstairs and into the dining room. Inside was a Moretti who for once was not in a suit. He was sat at the end of the table and the only other plate was in he seat next to him. I walked to my chair and pulled it out, Moretti's eyes lingering on my body which was wearing just his shirt.

"Morning, Moretti."

"Morning, Psycho."

I sat down and began to eat the bacon, pancakes, and fresh fruit. I couldn't help the satisfied noises I kept making that made Moretti look up from his plate with a raised brow.

Once he finished his food, he didn't get up but instead stared at me while I was eating.

"What is it?" I asked, wiping the sides of my mouth to see if something got on my face.

"What's your actual name?" He asked curiously.


"I'm just trying to know the person that's living four feet away from me." He half smirked before it disappeared.


"Bella." He said, testing out the name on his lips.

A/N: I don't really like this chapter. Kinda boring. Ugh. Eh. Ew.


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