23 | search party

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We didn't hesitate in following him out of the room into the empty hallways of the second floor.

Both Moretti and I gave eachother a long glance as we shrugged our clothes back to their rightful places, following closely behind Santiago.

I adjusted the top of my dress, making sure it covered my chest once again, as it had shifted in the moment. I gathered the long, flowing skirt of the red dress into my hands so I could run behind Santiago with ease.

Moretti shrugged his suit jacket back on, "When was she last seen?" He looked very cool and impassive, despite how I had him looking five minutes ago.

Santiago quickly looked back at us before turning around once again, "She was dancing with a man. I thought I had recognized him from when you and I had investigated the Russian dealer's headquarters." Moretti nodded, remembering the event.

"When the hell was this?" I asked, not having the slightest inclination of remembering when this took place.

Moretti looked over to me, "You didn't go."

I felt anger in the back of my mind, just begging to be unleashed. If only Moretti could've relieved some of this frustration earlier. "And why the hell not? You hired me for things like that, correct?"

We were still quickly making our way to the first floor, using the elevator this time.

Santiago didn't hesitate to click the button and we all walked in. The tension thick, bubbling beneath the surface.

"We," he sighed, "We were not on the greatest terms at that time." He said tightly, his expression trying its best to stay cool.

Oh. Makes sense.

Jesus Christ was I feeling wound up. With what happened in the hotel to scrambling my mind trying to find out where Mary was, I became frustrated.

Santiago continued, "I was looking for you Moretti. I wanted to confirm with you that he was, in fact, the man we had seen before. But you were...elsewhere." A tinge of pink formed on Santiago's cheeks. "Before I could find you, so looked back and they were gone."

Shit. This wouldn't have happened if I had stayed my ass on that balcony, watching over Mary, not getting heated over Moretti dancing with some bimbo.

I felt guilty.

I almost regretted the things that had taken place tonight, but as Moretti's hand gently brushed against mine as we were pressed close together in the elevator, I couldn't.

The doors opened and we raced out. The crowd of people still danced in the middle of the floor, blissfully unaware of the missing girl.

I gave out orders. "Santiago, go check the cameras and see where that fucker took her," He nodded obediently and took off in the direction of the security office.

"Now Moretti, go find Elenora and explain-"

He interrupted me, "What the hell? What're you going to do?" He stepped closer towards me.

I stood my ground, "I'm going to go get her." I made my way to the exit of the gala.

I felt a tug on my right arm that stopped me from leaving. I looked to the hand grasping my wrist, then to the person it belonged to.

He spoke, "Not without me, you aren't."


Once outside, I immediately noticed a shining on the pavement. I walked closer. Upon closer inspection, I recognized the jewels of the necklace. The exact one Mary wore. The one I vividly remember watching her put on as we got ready together.

I handed it to Moretti for him to put in his pocket, which he did obediently without a second thought.

"She's definitely been taken to another location," I said, grimly. This couldn't be good.

Whoever it was that stole her had to have known her relation to the Moretti's. Could this be a trap?

Trap or not, we had to get her. There was no way around it.

Moretti's left pocket began to vibrate. He grabbed his cellphone out quickly and answered the call. "Santiago."

I waited for a second as I heard a muffled version of Santiago's voice on the other side of the phone.

Moretti put the phone down and grabbed my hand, pulling me toward the parking lot.

"What is it?" I asked impatiently.

"He says whoever it was stole a company car, which are tracked," He brought us to one of his cars that I remembered from the garage. We slid in quickly and he pulled his phone back out.

"Santiago, where do we go?" He asked hurriedly, turning the key into his car, recklessly backing the car up and onto the road.

Santiago was on speaker now, "They're at 8450 Caldwell Drive. I recognize it, it's just an old abandoned building."

Moretti and I both gave eachother a knowing look.

Santiago's voice rang through the speaker again. "You have to hurry, though. The last activity was over half an hour ago, who knows what's happened since." Upon hearing this, Moretti's foot sank lower onto the gas, and I felt the speed of the car push me back further into my seat.

Every turn Moretti took, I felt my body whip around with. Santiago continued to bark out directions, Moretti recklessly driving to follow them, his muscular arms sharply turning the steering wheel. But all I could do was smile, thinking about the terrible things I could inflict upon whom ever tried to hurt my friend.

I hadn't had many friends before. I'd never let anybody stick around. Whoever did, ended up hurt.

Just like Mary had, I thought.

But it had already happened. She had already broken down my barriers and infiltrated my heart. And now all I could do was save her. I would kill the guys who did this.

And I'd enjoy every last second of it.

A/N: would you guys ever want smut?

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