14 | release

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It was 4:00 in the morning when I pulled back into the garage of Moretti's estate. I used the clicker which I most conveniently found in the glovebox and let myself back in. Once the car was back in its original park, I got out and tried to close the car door as quietly as possible.

I hung the key pack up with the rest and made my way out of the garage exit that lead to the inside of the house. Closing that door slowly and quietly, I took very light steps inside the house.

I just needed to get back to my room and shower all this blood off of me. I don't want to disturb or wake anybody. Especially not Morre-

"Where the hell have you been?"

Shit. I knew that voice. Slowly, I turned around, revealing a face smeared with blood. My top was so soaked with blood it clung tightly to my lacy bra underneath. My hands had been washed and were the only completely clean part of me.

Fear replaced the anger on Moretti's handsome face as he looked at my blood soaked appearance. "B-Bella, what is-" He stuttered. The Moretti actually stuttered.

I quickly swooped in to ease his mind. "It's not mine," I said quickly, trying to keep him calm before he got too upset.

Not sure why he'd be upset. You're not Natalia. A voice in the back of my head told me.

Soon, the fear was once again replaced with anger.
"Can you tell me why the fuck you're covered in blood and why you thought it was a bright idea to leave without any warning at all?" Moretti seethed. His whole demeanor changed and I became even more aware of his towering height when he closed the distance between us with a few steps, which was easily done thanks to his long legs.

Moretti has been annoyed at me before, maybe even mildly irritated. But never this angry. His eyes were no longer pools of soft blues but hard and cold steel.

If I wasn't Psycho, I'd be scared right now.

"I had to-" I started to explain myself.

Moretti slammed his hand into the wall right beside my head. "No. I don't want any of your fucking excuses, Psycho. You left here without telling anyone. Do you know what could have fucking happened to you?" He yelled. I knew others in the house could hear it, but they wouldn't dare come out of their rooms.

He was leaned in so close to me, I could feel his warm breath on the skin of my neck. Even while he was angry at me, those pesky butterflies started to form in my stomach. So I lifted my arms and pushed his shoulders away from me. He staggered back, still as angry as before. But he didn't come close to me again.

"Listen, I had to go take care of something. Okay?" I could see him beginning to open up his hot mouth to speak again but I had more to say.

"Also, let's not act like I'm some ordinary girl who's scared to walk alone at night. I'm fucking Psycho. I am the thing people are scared of." I pushed his chest one more time to get my point across and started up the stairs.

But Moretti hadnt let this go yet. I could hear him quickly making his way up the stairs behind me. This only made me move my legs faster, eager to get away and for him and his sexy but annoying ass to leave me alone.

I had almost made it to my room but was quickly shoved into his room across the hall. Before I could even wrap my hand around his door handle to get out, Moretti had his hand holding the seam of the door closed, trapping me between him and the door.

I struggled beneath him but he was too close for to even get my arms out for underneath him. "Moretti, you bastard! Let me the fuck out." He just stared and waited for me to stop moving.

He grabbed my chin tightly, but not to the point it hurt. "I don't care who you fucking are, you don't get to sneak out like that! Did you forget you and me both have people who want us dead?" His hands wrapped around my chin didn't allow me to look anywhere else but at him. He was right, sort of.

With a sigh, I spoke, "Fine, I won't do it again."

This seemed like enough for him. He released a deep breath and let his head fall forward, landing right in the crook of my neck. He wrapped his arms tightly around my tinier body and I could feel all the tension in his body release. I was going to mention the blood i'm covered in but I think he knew and just didn't care right now.

We sat there in silence, as I was still held tightly in place by him and the door. I could feel his breaths evening out against my skin. I started to like it, J realized. Once I had that realization, I began to speak and tell him to get off but he interrupted.

"I was worried."

I didn't know what to say back. I didn't understand at all why he'd be worried.

"I thought you had left for good this time."

Oh. The tone of his voice made it seem like he cared, which confused me.

Nobody ever really gave a shit if I came home or not before. I had grown up without ever feeling any sort of love or affection. And now I didn't understand those feelings.

Thinking about all this made my head hurt and I suddenly felt very overwhelmed. He had loosened his hold on me and I took this chance to push him back, gently this time.

"I should go to my room." I said cooly, with no expression. I could feel his eyes searching my face for some kind of answer. But I never gave it to him.

I closed the door behind me.


a/n: vote and comment pls it means a lot <3

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