Chapter 10~Trapped(h.s) §

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Listen to: Shark by: Oh Wonder illenium Remix

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~Dayana's POV~

Hearing the sound of the door creak. I knew he was here. It didn't take me even a minute to know who the person that had opened the door was. The sound of the door softly shutting and feet shuffling towards the bed, I prepared myself. 

Closing my eyes tightly and evening my breathing not wanting to catch his attention. It was quite, no sound could be heard.

Feeling cold fingers brush against my cheek I tried with all my might not to flinch, at the sudden contact. I had to make him believe I was asleep. I did not want to face him at all costs and this was the only way I could prevent that from happening.

Once hearing the shuffling of feet and the sound of the door shut, I breathed out a sigh of relief. Thanking the gods for being on my side, I closed my eyes feeling them began to go droopy.


"Petal." A soft voice whispered in my ear. Squinting my eyes I looked to the source that was talking to me. Strands of dark dirty blonde hair dangling on my face.

"Mariza. Get your hair off of my face." I grunted in annoyance at her disturbance of hair.

"Oh. You're up! Good. Now come on get up, let's go. Got lots to do." She said pulling away the warm cozy blankets from my body. The cold air hitting my skin caused goosebumps to rise up my arms and legs.

Damn how the heck did she-

Jolting up from the bed I looked at her with wide eyes and pulled her into a tight embrace. "How'd you get in?" I whispered in her ear.

"The door was open. Why? Was it suppose to be locked?" She asked pulling away and looked at me with curious eyes.

Shaking my head not wanting for her to be involved with any of my problems, they are my problems after all, and I will overcome them, myself. "No, I just-forget it. What are you doing here?" I asked her curious as well.

Why? Because a.)No one was suppose to be here and b.) If Master Harry finds out she's in here he'll punish her and I don't want any of my friends to get hurt.

"Oh I was sent to get you and the rest of the girls up, actually."

"For what?"

"Not sure. Just got told by Louis to get all of you and to get ready, be down in 20 maximum." She said.

"Okay. Um what do we have to wear?" I asked her wanting to be dressed appropriately.

"Oh yeah, fancy. Not sure who's coming or what's going on but they said to dress fancy." She said, that's when I noticed she was dressed in a beautiful elegant dress.

"But isn't to early to be dressed in a dress?" I asked her my brows furrowed together.

Giggling she shook her head and said. "Silly, it's 7 o'clock, love. You slept almost through the whole day. Now hurry up, you don't have much time. I'll be back to help you with your hair." She said walking towards the door and stepping out.

Half the day! What the heck! Why hadn't I been awaken? Getting up from my bed I had something to take care of right now. Hurrying up I grabbed some undergarments and towel. Walked into the bathroom and take a shower.

Walking to the closet, I scanned it trying to look for a presentable dress to wear, or what they would classify as presentable, because if it were for me I'd wear a big comfy sweater and jeans. As I spot a beautiful dress in the back, I pulled it out gently and examine it, it would have to do.

Slipping it on I looked at myself through the mirror. It hugged my hips in the right places. Trying to zip up the dress I failed to do so. Once hearing the sound of the door creak opened I sighed in relief.

"Mariza. Thank god your here. Could you please come and zip the dress up. I can't reach the zipper." I said pulling my hair to the side and waiting for her to zip it up. Feeling the touch of cold fingers touch my back, a shiver arose on my back. Well damn, where had she been that her fingers felt icicle.

"Thank you so much Mari-" Turning around to thank her I stopped midway, realizing that the person in front of me was not her.


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