Chapter 39~Trapped(h.s)

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Listen to: River by Bishop Briggs

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Dayana's POV:



My eyes snapped opened, and my hands instantly went towards my head. Holding it tight against my hands trying to lessen the constant pounding of it. Groaning, I turned towards my left wanting to wake up Harry and asking if he had any type of medication that could take this stupid pounding from my head. Upon seeing no one laying besides me, I furrowed my brows. Where could he have gone to. Siting up, I then scanned my surroundings. This was not Harry's room. It began with my breath coming out in quick, un-rapid breaths, my chest tightening with the lack of oxygen, the palms of my hands began sweating and I could feel small droplets forming at the center of my brows. Then it began with my vision becoming blurry, everything was so sudden and it ended as soon as it started, with me collapsing back into an abyss of darkness.

"Wake up. Goodness, I don't know what they see in you." Came the harsh pain forming on my right cheek, springing up and gasping I looked up towards the culprit. She stood above me with a smirk just like the one she had once she saw me drinking the glass she offered me.

"Damary, you fucking bitch. What is wrong with you. What do you want!" I couldn't stop myself from screaming at her face. She was the cause of my disappearance. She was the cause of not waking up besides who I loved. I could just feel the various emotions and scenarios going through Harry's mind at this precise moment.

"Watch how you talk to me bitch. It's not what I want. It's what they want. Honestly if I were them I'd get rid of you once and for all. At least they won't do such thing not till they see him withering in pain that is. But anyways, they sent me to wake you up and get you ready. Now hurry up slut, my patience is wearing thin. Wear this and don't try any funny business. Cause it won't end well with you." She smirked holding in one hand a thin fabric, that looked like a small towel instead of a dress. While the other hand held a small pistol which she was spinning with an her index finger. Sighing all I could do was get up grab the so called dress and went straight towards the bathroom with her calling behind me. "No funny business or I won't mind putting this to use, honey." She sickly smiled.

Closing the door I leaned against it and sighed. All that kept running lose in my mind was how Damary kept saying they. Who were they? And what did they want with me? Did they know about me for so long. Where was Harry, was he looking out for me? Was he as anxious as I am. The sound of harsh knocking brought me out of my thoughts. "Hurry up, you only got 10 minutes before I put this baby to use." Pushing myself off of the door. I looked at the clothes I was wearing before. It only consisted of my undergarments and a robe. Sighing I quickly began to take off the previous night clothes and slip on the so called dress. It was made out of silk fabric which landed just about my mid-thigh, covering the necessary parts. Shivering at such small coverage, I sighed.

There was nothing I could do. I didn't even know for fucks sake where I was. Where they had brought me, who they are. I felt useless, weak, vulnerable. It felt just like when I found out my parents weren't with us anymore. The same weak, useless, empty kid, it felt like history was repeating itself but with my emotions. Sighing gathering what little courage I had. I opened the door to see Damary sitting on the edge of the bed, picking at her nails. Upon hearing my entrance she looked up at me and rolled her eyes. Getting up without so much of a word. She made her way towards the door and finding that as my signal I followed behind. This was the first time I would be seeing more of my surroundings. Maybe I could try to escape. Yes.

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