Chapter 42~Trapped(h.s)

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Listen to: Sail by: Machine Gun Kelly

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Third POV:

They followed closely but with some much needed distance between the black vans. It was getting late, the sun would be setting in a few more hours and they needed to take action before it would fall dark. Making sure not to bring any unwanted attention. They needed everything to be precise. Being this close to being able to retrieve Dayana they couldn't afford any single mistakes not even a small glaze. Driving through a thick hooded forest they knew they were close to their destination. It was no or never.

"You ready?" Niall who sat in the passenger seat, giddily, asked Zayn who was driving, while he rubbed his hands in excitement.

Zayn took a glance his way and playfully rolled his eyes at his mate. Leave it to Niall to be like a child in a candy shop. "Let's do this." Speeding up to get closer to the farthest van, he made sure no car was coming and swerved to the other lane. Niall looking though his window waved at the two men who looked at them unamused thinking they were just passing them.

"They think we're passing them. Ha, what buttholes." Maria who sat in the middle row between Liam and Stephanie, grunted.

"Any minute now, Zayn." A, who sat at the very back grumpily spoke. She was a nervous wreck in the back. Something deep in her gut had been nagging her, and not knowing what it was unsettled her to no end.

"Hold on tight." At the sudden pact of metal hitting metal, they all grabbed something near to keep them in place. The van hadn't seen it coming and swerved straight towards a thick tree. Soon after the van was rammed to the tree and not long later it begun to caught on fire. "One down to two to go."

Driving up behind the other van Zayn proceeds to do the same but not on full force, since Niall began to shoot at the tires making them pop. As the car swerved left and right, Niall shot at the last tire making the van swerve to the right into the dark forest. Mariza who sat at the back on the right, grabbed her own gun and aimed at the front of the van. Which seconds later began to lit up on fire. They all looked at her perplexed. "What. Take it as my pay back. If I can't have a go at any of the big ones might as well do at the others." She shrugged nonchalantly. They knew she was right, so they let it go and proceeded on their plan. Their was only one van left. Which seemed to have figured out they were getting ambushed and began to speed up.

Harry who laid at the back could hear the curses of both man in the front and Damary who sat in the middle row. Harry smirked and began to try and untangle himself from the position he was put in. It was his cue, the plan was on full ride. They had been driving for so long that he feared by the time they'd get to their destination it be full on dark and being in the forest didn't help. Stretching as far as the rope and his arms allowed him. He reached for the bottom of his shoe, quietly as to not attract any unwanted attention. He knew that the ropes would leave red angry rashes, but he didn't care.

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