Chapter 8~Trapped(h.s) §

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Listen to: Keep listening to Running Away.

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~Dayana's POV~


Every inch and cell of my body froze with the sound of his voice. Shutting my eyes close I prayed to god that he wouldn't harm me. I mean we are in public, he wouldn't dare to harm me here, right?

Feeling the beat of my heart thump with anxiety against my chest I exhaled in and out. I have to stay calm and confident. Slowly un-gripping the doorknob I turned around and looked at him.


There was no fury or any emotion presentable in his face. Not one single feature showing what was going through his mind. Not a single twitch of his eyes.

It frighten me, I didn't care if he'd grip my hands, yelled at me or even slapped me. I would take it because I brought this upon myself but there was nothing. No single hard glance, no a tight lipped mouth, nothing.

All he did was stand in front of me and looked straight into my eyes. The feeling of his eyes on me felt like he was burning holes deep into my soul and looking deep, trying to figure me out.

What felt like a hours were only mere of a few minutes before he took long strides towards me and took ahold of my arm.

Feeling his fingers dig into my arm I knew he was angry. Pulling me out towards the crowded mall he came to a halt. Eyes looked at us, some whispered others pointed but not a single person came to my rescue. But I knew why they didn't come. I was a stranger to them, what good would I bring them.

"When we get back, you will receive your punishment for what you did. But for now we're going to grab some lunch. If you try and more funny business. I can promise you your brother will pay for your actions." He seethed speaking into my ear.

A single tear slipped down my eye upon hearing just what my actions would do. I should have known he wouldn't hurt me directly but through someone close and important to me. Nodding my head I let him guide us to wherever he was taking us.

I would do anything to protect my brother. He doesn't deserve to be harm for my actions. If it means risking my life for him then be it. He's the only person I have left and the only person I love.

After getting a quick and awkward lunch. We had arrived back at the mansion or whatever you can call this place. Upon entering I saw Louis striding his way towards us. Without giving me a glance he looked panicked and began to speak in a frantic voice towards Harry.

"Harry. He's back. Two of the guards saw hi- "

Without letting Louis finish what he was saying Harry began shouting orders "Not here, my office now. Get Liam, Zayn, Niall, and the rest in my office now." He spoke with an authoritative voice, giving him a glare. Harry looked at me and once Louis eyes caught on to who he was looking at, his eyes widened.

"James!" Harry yelled voice echoing throughout the whole mansion.

Hearing the sound of heavy footsteps running towards us. I looked for the source of it, once in view a boy not older then any of us stood in front of us.

"Yes, Sir Harry?" He spoke panting trying to catch his breath from the small running he had to do.

"Take her to her room. Don't let anyone go in or out of her room. She is it be locked in her room the whole night until I say so. And if I hear or see her at any point that she took a step out of her damn room. You'll now what'll happen." Master Harry ordered James. James nodded his head and took ahold of one of my arms.

Thanking Louis in my head for his little appearance because if it weren't for him I would probably be having my punishment right now.

Starting to walk away but before I could be dragged completely away. Harry grabbed my hand, pulled me into him and whispered in my ear.

"I'll be coming to see you in your room after my meeting. Don't think I haven't forgotten about your little incident you tried playing back at the mall." He said nipping at me ear, causing me to squirm from his grip.

Once he stepped back he looked at me a sly smirk on his face and nodded his head towards James indicating he could proceed into talking me away.

Clenching my hands into small fists trying to prevent from any tears to flow down my cheeks. I wouldn't satisfy Harry into seeing me in this state.

A\N: Update! Yay! Hope you enjoyed.

Love you~


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