𝒕𝒘𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒚 𝒔𝒊𝒙

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I felt like I couldn't swallow anything as I tried eating the soup Granny prepared for when I came home. I haven't ate all day and we just arrived home from the camping trip this afternoon. But I wasn't hungry. Last night, Amy didn't acknowledge that I was there and I know she did so many things wrong to me but all I needed that night was a friend. The ones who were usually there were friends with Luke before they were with me.

I won't get upset at them for being loyal.

The bus ride was insufferable. I knew I dug my own hole last night with Ollie but it took so much pleading for him to just leave me alone on the way home when he insisted that he thought we would look good together again now that Luke was out of the picture.

I blew up when he mentioned Luke's name which caused the whole bus to turn and for Ollie to shut up for the best of the ride home. I didn't even see anyone's reactions because I hid behind my bag and slept the way home.

Wow, did I really miss him right now?

"Sweetheart, the soup is stirred enough." Granny tried to joke as she dipped a piece of bread in the liquid and popped it into her mouth. I shifted my eyes and leaned my weight against my hand. She tilted her head in confusion when I didn't laugh at her joke. She kicked my feet, making me involuntarily drop the spoon with the hot soup hitting my face.

"Fuck." I grunted and quickly grabbed a napkin to wipe my face. Granny was already spewing on about having such a potty mouth on a young age is going to take me to bad places and lead to a bad future. The frustration from Granny yelling at me and trying to get the food off of my face, tears began to gather in my eyes and next thing I knew I was sobbing into the white napkin.

Silence fell over us, the only sounds being my cries. "Y/N, what happened this weekend?" Granny had gotten up and pulled my hands down from my face to pull onto her lap when she settled on the edge of the dining table.

"He promised."

"Who? Who promised what?"

" He promised he wouldn't break my heart." I cried out," And he did it. He took my heart and he ripped it to pieces, Granny."

Sniffling, I wiped my nose with the back of my sleeve and cried into her arms as she held me close into her chest. Just like me, she had nothing to say to this situation only comforting me in the warmth of her arms. As I catched my breath, Granny lifted me up onto my feet and guided me to the couch. I was still in her arms as we sat and laid down on the couch, Granny pulling a thin blanket over the two of us.

"You'll be okay." She whispered into my ear as she kissed the spot above my ear.

I wished.

A knock on the door alerted the two ladies, Granny sliding out from underneath Y/N to open the door. The visitor stood at the door for a while before making their appearance known.


"I was so drunk last night - caught up with Ethan - that I didn't even know that my two best friends broke up. I literally thought you two were okay yesterday." Alex tiredly slipped his shoes off and made himself comfortable next to me on the couch. "Luke literally ran away from us this morning and you disappeared the second we got off the bus. I just know you're not okay and I can't handle you being all by yourself. I'll check up on Luke later but you... you need to..."

I diverted my eyes, really not wanting to rethink about last night again.

"You need a hug."

Alex pulled me into his side and I laid my head against his shoulder.

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