𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒓𝒕𝒚 𝒕𝒘𝒐

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Alex sat on the edge of my bed with his hands clasped in his lap.

"So you're telling me that you two are good now and you worked through everything even the part where you are desperately in love with each other... and you're just friends?"

"Yes, Alex, I've explained to you about a billion times." I inserted my VHS tape for The Outsiders before grabbing the bowl off the floor and sitting besides Alex.

"I just don't get it... why?"

I sighed, both from the amount of butter that Reggie put in this popcorn to why I decided to keep Luke and I just friends. But it was just because of how much I overthinked. I was simply scared of getting hurt again. There was a part of me that knew that Luke wouldn't hurt me again but in the beginning, I had already thought he wouldn't but he did.

It was like my face told him exactly what I couldn't say because he had let it go as fast as he brought it back up. "You know what, you don't have to explain yourself to me. As long as the two of you are happy, it's fine." His long arm wrapped around my shoulder, hugging me into his side.

Reggie and Luke came in with the rest of the snacks and four cans of soda. I was surprised that Granny didn't call them out on bringing food upstairs because she had barely caught me with the popcorn but I slipped it past her when she turned around and also how they didn't drop it on the way up.

"Where's Bobby?" I questioned as Luke made himself comfortable on the other side, his arm hanging on the pillow behind me.

"Uh I got into a fight about him about our songs. He wanted to tell Anthony that he wrote Now or Never. That makes no sense because that was all me. I don't care about song credits but he was being a huge dick about it." His finger trailed up and down trailed down the arm closest to his hand. "I was going to make a truce with him but he stormed out like the bitch he is."

"Yeah, he completely about Alex and I who needed rides." Reggie grumpily crossed his arms before Alex aggressively shoved a red vine into his mouth. "You just had to make a comment about how Bobby needed to stop making pasta every night because you felt like we were gaining weight."

"I didn't think he would make us work out like that."

"That explains why the two of you were much later than he was." I thought back to how Bobby entered 30 minutes earlier than Alex and Reggie. He completely ignored me when he came in but it wasn't that different than a regular day but he seemed pretty pissed off so I left him alone this time. Now I know why. "Where is he now anyways?"

Luke put a hand over his mouth to hold in his lap before leaning in to whisper into my ear,"On a date with Amy."

"Amy Oliver?" I laughed as Luke sheepishly smiled and nodded.

"That's a disaster waiting to happen."

"You think they'd bond over their hate over you." Luke teased, his nose moving in to nuzzle into the skin of my neck.

"Your attempt of trying to tickle me is not distracting me from how rude you are." I squirmed into his touch, trying to push him off. "You'd like to join them, wouldn't you?"

"How could I? I am president of Charlie's Angels that solely protects Ms. Y/N Y/L/N.. Isn't that right boys?"

"Shut up and stop flirting, I'm trying to watch a movie." Reggie's mouth full of popcorn which spilled out when Luke whacked him on the back of his head with his foot.

"We're not flirting."


"Why are we watching this again anyways? We all know that Y/N just wants to watch this for Johnny." Luke complained, moving down so his head was rested on my lap. My hand automatically went to play with it and I could see him slowly falling asleep.

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