𝒕𝒘𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒚 𝒕𝒉𝒓𝒆𝒆 . 𝒇𝒊𝒗𝒆

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Crumbling open the 8 by 12 paper, I read over the rules for this trip and scanned all the way down to read my room number.

Have fun!

Room 39

I limped my way to my assigned cabin. Luke had parted ways with me so he could go to the boy side of the cabins. Yes, they claimed that the boys get the blue cabins whilst us girls get the red cabins. The cabins were actually colored except for a worn out brown. But they claimed if we were put together, it would make purple which was no good and we would get in trouble if that color was mixed.

Ms.Mary needed help.

The hike took up half the day especially since Luke was slowed down from having to walk three miles with me on his bike. I told him I was good to go for the last mile but he threatened me with the hoodie. I really wanted that hoodie.

Pulling out my key, I unlocked the door and pushed it open.

" Oh hell no."

Amy sat in the center of the bed, the beds not even being two inches apart. I slammed the door shut behind me and walked up to my suitcase. " This can't be a freaking coincidence."

"I'm not liking this any better than you, Y/L/N."

"Don't talk to me."

"You're the one who talked to me first."

"Well, I"m not the one who brought dead parents into a conversation."

Amy flicked through books, knowing that she was in the wrong. She leaned back against the wooden wall as I turned my back towards her so I could change into something more comfortable. The counselors and teachers wanted to do a group activity so all of us could get to know each other and have more fun like we didn't see each other every day in the hallway already.

"So Luke and you are actually together huh?"

I didn't answer. It's like the air out in Joshua Tree was making people more and more braver.

"Why would I even ask that? You two won't keep your hands off each other. How long has it been? A month?"

My silence only prompted her to continue," That's how long he lasted with that one junior. What's her name? Oh right, Anne. And strangely every other girl he's been with too. One month, Y/N."

I paused my movements but continued. She hasn't talked to Luke once this year or ever. She's just trying to get into your head. In the corner of my eye, I watched as Amy set down her book and leaned forward," Do you really think he's changed, Y/N? Shoot, you were one of the people that talked behind his back about how much he annoyed you with breaking every high school girl's hearts and now you're dating him."

"Amy, just shut up. You don't know him like that and I didn't either when I said that."

"You sound just like those girls. Do you think you're any different? I don't know him like that? Y/N, the two of you barely started getting close this year and I'm pretty sure you still have 12 year Luke still imprinted in your head. Guess what? People change."

I don't know if I was but I wanted to believe the best in Luke. Amy was actually getting into my head with her last sentence but I shook my head. We've already been through too much for me to be overthinking. "People change? If we're on that topic, let's talk about how you've changed."

Amy scoffed and stood up from her bed. She stood besides me and grabbed the soap that one of the teachers left out for us in the shelf next to me. " Don't say I didn't warn you."

i.f.l.y.  。luke pattersonWhere stories live. Discover now