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" I-I can't do it."

Samantha looked up at me in disappointment. My whole body shook as the girls in my stunt group slowly brought me down from the high height I was at. " The game is tonight, Y/N." Like I didn't know. I still didn't understand why she had to put me in the high although she knows the circumstances on why that would the last thing I would do. Somehow I feel like she knows about Ollie and I and that's why she's going so hard on me. It's been a week since the incident at the diner and those two were the talk of the school. I learned to ignore it but it did hurt when it was hard to look away. " Get yourself together before you embarrass the whole team." I wiped the sweat off my brow before nodding so she could just leave me alone. Samantha finally moved on onto another stunt group to watch, one that had Amy in it. Amy was a little quiet with me for the first half of the week but she finally believed what I stated. I felt bad for lying but this quietness is what I needed.

I moved to the sidelines to lean against the fence as I waited for Amy's group to finish. It was like the universe wanted me to suffer because on cue, the football players came out for their practice before the game started. Just as I was about to stand up, a strong wind flew past, pushing back up against the fence. Ollie ran up to Samantha, picking up her up from the back. My heart clenched from the sight and I felt a hard pressure. 5 more hours... 5 more hours that I have to endure here. Just get through the 4 quarter game and then you could go home.

Just as I closed my eyes to get away from all the cat calls and giggles the new couple was receiving, I felt a strand of my hair being moved around. It was probably just the wind messing up my hair. I quickly brushed it down but again, I felt it move again but this time, it felt like someone was twirling it on their finger.

" Woah, woah, calm down." Luke let out a whimper as I sunk my teeth into his finger once I turned round," What if I wasn't me? Do you just bite random people?"

I let go and barked at him," You savage." Luke gasped as he wiped his finger on the shoulder of his cheer uniform. "What are you doing at the game so early anyways?" I placed my chin on the metal, Luke placing his hand on top of my head," It's too much for your innocent little mind to hear." He rubbed my head, almost messing up the braids I took hours to do this morning. But he confessed that all of them snuck in and are hiding in different parts of the stadium. I wonder how long Reggie will last in the stalls until he goes crazy. " So why are you out in the open?"

"I'd risk anything for my girl." He winked and ran a finger down my arm. I almost felt goosebumps but I felt the bile coming up my throat from how cringy his lines were, " I will bite that finger again if you don't get it off my right now." I warned underneath my breath, his hand tucking into the pocket of his jacket as quick as a nanosecond. Luke shrugged before leaning his arm against the metal to get closer, " One day, you'll be begging for me to touch you. ". I felt my heart quicken. I knew he was joking but man, did that pull at my heartstrings.

"I don't know why Samantha's being such a biotch. Oh hey Luke." Amy stood besides me, rushing over to stand besides me. Ever since the boys of Sunset Curve decided to sit in front of eyes, Amy has been sending heart eyes to Luke. Even to the back of his head. I've seen many girls swoon over Luke before with his bad boy facade but it was very uncomfortable to see it so close to me. I honestly couldn't tell if it was just an infatuation or if she actually really liked him. " What'd she do to you, shortcake?" Luke quirked his eyebrow up with a mischievous smile, making Amy blush harder than she already was. " First, she's making Y/N a flyer despite her fear of heights and now she's making all of us-"

" Are you going to be okay?" Luke frowned in concern as he quickly looked away from Amy to me before I quickly waved my hands up, " I-I got it, I just shouldn't look down when I'm there.".

i.f.l.y.  。luke pattersonWhere stories live. Discover now