𝒕𝒘𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒚 𝒇𝒊𝒗𝒆

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Day Three : Monday

Waking up to an empty bed was not how I planned to wake up to. Usually Luke would shower me in kisses to wake up but this time he was out before me.

Nothing was getting better, the feeling in my chest getting heavier and heavier. Luke brought the flowers to commend a truce but I had no fucking answers on why he was so pissed with me yesterday and why in the hell he smelled like his ex girlfriend. It seemed like my worst fears were coming true: Amy being right.But I knew he wouldn't and I was ready to comfort him but the sound of his snores stopped me so I had to put him in a more comfortable position.

My belief right now was that Luke was not cheating on me. He's told me he was different. He's told me that he would never treat me that way that everyone else has this past year. I've always had faith in him so why am I letting other people sway the way I think?

A heavy heart, I changed into my black overalls and white short sleeve underneath.

I needed someone to talk to... I also really wanted confirmation on if they even went to see lights...badly. Once my teeth were brushed,I walked out of the cabin with my shoes halfway on. Just as I rounded the corner, I saw Alex by himself behind the tree and I was about to run to him but Ethan appeared, his lips crashing onto Alex's.

Yep, lots of explaining to do Alex.

It seems like he was busy. Reggie? Bobby? I continued to look through the whole camp area in search of the two brunettes. I saw them huddled around a poster and was about to scare them. But the boy in front of them did instead from all the energy inside of him. Of course, that boy being Luke.

I stood frozen behind them. At this point, should I just talk to Luke? But he looked so happy and I didn't want to take that away by asking him a stupid question like " oh are you being unfaithful?"

Reggie turned around and picked up the poster on the table, " Look, Y/N! We got another performance here tonight. First it's a performance and then we're going to have a bonfire. The bonfire is a secret though from the staff because-" He did a motion that started up with rolling a blunt to lightening it to blowing it. "Oh, that's amazing, Reggie." I looked down at the details and then back at Luke who smiled down at me.

To bring up a negative subject can be postponed to a better day.

Luke walked up to me and was already playing with different bracelets that were encased around my wrist. This small little gesture brought my attention to his wrist that was naked, not wearing our infamous guitar pick, " Sorry, I had to get up early to convince the counselors to let us perform for the students on the last day."

"It's fine, I did get a little worried though."

"My little ladybug is all protective over me." He turned to Reggie and Bobby with a grin on his face," You two wish you had a lady like mine, eh?"

It's this attitude that makes me wish that that he didn't do what I thought he did.

Reggie shook his head at his whipped friend and Bobby eyed us in disgust before pulling the hood of his jacket over his head.

Luke swung his arm around my shoulder and brought me over to the table that the other two were huddled over. They were decorating the poster with music notes. " Say, Reggie, how were the stars?"

"The stars?" Reggie colored one of the stars blue," What are you talking about?" He looked up at me in confusion but once he made eye contact with Luke, which I'm pretty sure they thought I didn't see, " Oh.. Oh! Those stars? It was really nice."



It was nightfall when the performance had begun. The boys were M.I.A. for most of this Monday, possibly trying to get in as much last minute practicing they could. I decided to let it go. Maybe I was just worrying for nothing and even if Luke did see Anne, it was probably just a passing by around the campsite or something. I was ready to walk towards the front stage where all the boys were performing one of my favorite songs by them. Luke named it after himself which made is even more hilarious. I giggled to myself as I thought about the title 'My Name is Luke'. Looking up at the stage right as I walked, the energy of the crowd was already at its best. The audience jumped along to the beat the boys were playing as they covered a song from Green Day. Luke made eye contact with me through the crowd and did his infamous wink before skipping his way over to Reggie as Alex performance a drum solo. 

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