𝒇𝒊𝒗𝒆 . 𝒇𝒊𝒗𝒆

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For this unexpected road trip, you would think that the people you were with would stay up with you while you drive. But the only sound in the car was three boys snoring as TLC played in the background. I didn't even know where we were right now as I drove down a dark, dirt road. At the end of road, I finally found light. A gas station that was pretty empty except for the three trucks parked. I turned in and parked the Jeep at one of the filing stations. That was when I finally looked to check on the boys. Alex's head looked like it was going to hurt when he woke up and Reggie and Luke had their heads leaned onto each other.

Shaking my head at them, I grabbed my phone and my wallet before stepping out of the car to the worker inside. As I walked in, the three who I assumed were the owners of the three trucks looked over at me. I spared them a smile before walking over to the snack aisle. I knew that any longer, I would crash if I didn't have something to chew on the way. Just as I grabbed a package of sour patch kids, I felt a hot breath on my neck. I quickly jumped away and turned to see one of the truck drivers. " Can I help you, sir?" With every word, I backed away. Creepy old man and getting too much into my personal space raises a lot of questions.

"What's a pretty girl like you doing all the way out here so late?" He looked down towards my cheer uniform. " I really don't think I have to answer you on that, sir." As I tried walking around him, his hands held tightly onto my wrist, "Cmon, Princess, you can't just smile at us like that and not want anything. Let us show you some fun." He tried to pull me in but I resisted. "No, thank you sir." I tried my best to be civil and polite so he would just leave me alone. But it only made him more aggressive.

"I think she told you to leave her alone."

The man looked over to the voice, Luke's hand gripping the older man's wrist as a way to tell him to let go. " Sweetheart, you didn't tell me that you had a boyfriend."

The man laughed, showing off his yellow, crusted teeth, "Tell your girlfriend to stop whoring around."

"She's not doing anything but grabbing her snacks." Luke roughly pushed the man's hand off my wrist when he saw that it was still on me, "Go suck your own dick, creep.". Luke's hand slid into mine, pulling me away from the old man. We walked into another aisle that had the fridge with the drinks. " Thank you." I slapped his arm with the candy in my hand. "It's nothing. Can't believe there's so many crappy people in this world." He grabbed a peach snapple, " Pay for this and we'll call it even." He placed the drink before sliding off his corduroy jacket jacket and putting it over my shoulders, " You don't have to cover up for anyone but those creeps are still staring at you." He went ahead and walked to the cashier to wait for me. $3.99 for this small bottle? Whatever.

"Strange to ask but where are we right now?" Luke asked the worker as he rubbed his tired eyes," You're in Ramona." The worker replied with a bored tone as he rung up our items.

Luke widened his eyes and looked towards me with a crazed look in his eyes. Even after I paid for our snacks and gas, Luke continued to look at me with his mouth agape.

" You've been driving for two hours? We're running away from getting in trouble, not from home!"

"You didn't tell me to stop."

" Y/N! I don't have to tell you stop driving for two hours!" Luke ran back to the car, spreading the news to the boys in the car who in turn had bewildered reaction. " What time is it ? " Alex looked around before looking at the time on his phone, " It's already 2 in the morning."

" It's not comfortable to sleep in a car, why are we going to go?" Luke sighed as he leaned onto the door of the car. I stood in silence as I finished up putting the gas in. I'm the one responsible for why we got this far but I knew that if I said anything, these three hormonal boys attitudes would only get worse.

i.f.l.y.  。luke pattersonWhere stories live. Discover now