𝒔𝒊𝒙 . 𝒕𝒘𝒐 - 𝒇𝒊𝒗𝒆

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Day Two

After spending a whole day at Balboa Park and even watching the shows that went around the walk, we all crashed back into the spot we were in before.

Not going to lie, the condo was getting creepier by the minute especially with the fact that the sliding door doesn't not have a curtain and the couch is the one nearest to it. Rubbing my tired eyes, I struggled to stay awake as we were on our way to Pacific Beach. Reggie persisted that this was one of the best beaches in the state. Let's hope he's right because of all these cars that were lined. If I could find parking in five minutes, we would have enough time to spend a few hours at the beach before heading home and make it before nightfall.

"Bobby. Bob. Bobsters. We're sorry, okay?" Luke groaned as he threw his head back onto the seat. All I heard from the other side of phone was a muffled scream about how he should've gone with us and why " the Y/C/H brat" is with us instead of him. Luke put his head down and lowered his voice." You were all up on Susie Collin's. What was I supposed to do when you were..." I saw him look up at me through my rearview mirror before deciding against saying what he was going to aloud. " We'll be back tonight, stop being a baby." Luke hung up and clapped his hands together, " Alright, what's the hold up, Y/N? Stop driving like a 80 year old."

"Get your license and then you talk." I rolled my eyes before successfully finding parking on the side of the road. Reggie's motorola rung as all of us piled out of the car. " I'll be right back." He stepped to the side. I looked over at the other two who was pushing each other off the sidewalk. " Hey, we're matching. " I pointed towards my red plaid shirt then towards Alex.

"Luke, take a picture of us!" Alex propped himself next to me as Luke rose my Epson up to snap a photo, he lowered it before he could click down, his eyes showing concern as he looked behind us, "Man, you good?"

I turned to see Reggie with tears running down his face," It's just my dad. He always has to take his anger out on me when you know... the usual with my mom and him." He wiped his nose, his eyes drifting over to me, " I'm sorry, Y/N. I don't cry, I promise. This is my first time. I have never cried until now, I'm not weak." More tears fell from his eyes as he tried to cover his face from our view. I walked up to me and brought him in for a hug, " It's okay to cry. It doesn't mean you're weak."

He continued to cry in my shoulder, a comfortable silence falling over us as we let Reggie pour out his feelings.

Pulling away from him, I cupped his face into my hands," Are you ready to have some fun now? I mean they're two hours away from you. Don't let them tarnish your mood when you're in..." I raised my arms up to do jazz hands," sweet ol San Diegooo." I put on a cowboy accent, Reggie letting out a soft laugh.

"Okay, just don't ever do that again."


The warm sand made it's home between my toes as I watched three stooges try to build a sand castle. " You know the way to keep it stable is by adding water right?" I took a sip out of my drink in hand.

Alex sighed as he grabbed a bucket that was left behind by a little kid to fill it up with water. As he came, he threw it onto the castle, ruining the castle they spent half an hour on. I held in my laugh at the devastation that the face of the other two held.

" It'd be a lot easier if you'd help." Luke rubbed his hands together to get the wet sand off of his hands.

" Hurry up and build my castle, you peasants."

" Yes, princess." They said in sync. I knew they only went along with it because I paid for their lunch.


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