𝒕𝒘𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒚 𝒇𝒐𝒖𝒓 . 𝒇𝒊𝒗𝒆

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Half an hour had passed and the counselors were currently feeling guilty about the problems that they had spurred from playing this icebreaker.

I was just worried about Luke. I let him walk to burn off some steam but he still hasn't returned for the scavenger hunt. A whistle brought everyone's attention to the front as Ms.Mary went on about the rules for the scavenger hunt. Why do you ask why I'm so excited for the prize? Because it was a 100 dollar gift card for any store and I really wanted to buy Granny something for her birthday. I could ask her for more shifts are the bakery but that would be very suspicious.

As I pulled the hair out of my face with my thin blue scarf,  I saw Luke returning back to the group and placing himself besides Reggie who was at the end of line. Just when they gave us the clear to go, I rushed off to Luke to partner up with him. Once I stood in front of him, his eyes shifted over me," Hey Reg, let's go ahead?"

Reggie was thrown back and pointed at me," What about Y/N?"

Luke ignored the question and walked past me to grab the paper that had all the materials we needed to find from the table behind me. "What's going on with you, Luke?" I turned to grab him by his arm but he was quick to move out of the way. My chest felt heavy from his actions as he continued to look past me and motioned for Reggie to get moving along with him.

Reggie stayed put as Luke started to look for the first thing on the list," Just go with him right now."

Sighing," It's fine, just let him have his space." With the scratch of the back of my head, Reggie nodded," I'll find out what has him being all pissy." He high fived me before catching up to Luke who was already much ahead.

Ollie must've said something to him and he was never bothered by Ollie had to say. With a sigh, I looked for Alex and Reggie and there were nowhere to be seen. They probably were grouped together too. It sucked that I didn't have much other friends other than the boys and all the girls on the cheer team were already together. Standing awkwardly in the middle, I tucked my hands behind me and rocked back and forth on my feet.

"Hi sweetheart, in need of a partner?" I turned my head to see a girl with curly hair in floral blouse and black jeans that were held up by a white belt.

"Oh, are you one of the graduates that came to help?"

With a nod, she smiled and held her hand out for me to shake,"I'm Rose Molina."



" So you're telling that if your boyfriend, Ray, were to propose to you... you won't say yes unless he lets you keep Molina."


"That's incredible."

I bowed to her whilst she swatted my arms to tell me to get up. "How about you? I've seen you with that one boy who does not know that sleeves exist. Seems like you have something special going on."

I blushed and looked down at the second to last treasure in my hands which was a pair of socks, " Yeah, it's pretty special." I avoided her gaze," But we're not... good right now, you can say. He's refusing to talk to me and I don't even know what happened."

"It's nice you're giving him space. I would've just bothered Ray until he just talked to me." Rose took the socks out of my mouth and put her hands on my shoulder to signal to me to look at her.

"I'm scared he's losing interest.". It was a thought in my head that I didn't want coming out to the point that my voice was almost nonexistent.

i.f.l.y.  。luke pattersonWhere stories live. Discover now