𝒇𝒐𝒓𝒕𝒚 𝒇𝒐𝒖𝒓

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It wasn't fair.

Ten hours ago, I was with them. Ten hours ago, I was playing tag with them. Ten hours ago, I was hugging Reggie. Ten hours ago, I was joking around with Alex. Ten hours ago, I was in Luke's arms as we whispered sweet nothings in the back seat of my car with his lips on mine.

I couldn't even get a moment to breath when the reporters came bombarding in. I had to be the one to give the three names with my voice struggling to say their full names because I could feel my heart tearing into a pieces. I had to be the one to call all three of the parents. But I couldn't tell them what happened without breaking down. Plus it made me so furious that Alex and Reggie's parents actually care now. It was also  the first time I had seen the Pattersons since the last time I went to their house  and it hurt me so much to face them. Because what if? What if I just let Luke back to them? Would it have prevented his ending?

I was let off early and let off the internship as well due to my misbehavior. Rue tried to convince the higher ups to not let us go but I could care less at this point. I don't need an amoral hospital on my resume.

Bobby was outside at one of the benches outside of the hospital, claiming that the reporters were too much and he couldn't handle it. He offered to take a taxi seeing as I was incapable of driving a motor vehicle at the moment. Without another word, we both entered the white car and in less than 10 minutes, we were at my house.

My hands were shaking as I struggled to put in the key into the hole to unlock the door. "For fucks sake.". I hissed. Bobby took the keys from my hand and opened it instead. "Thanks.". Bobby nodded and hugged me one more time before going back to the taxi. He had insisted that it was best for us to be together but I wanted to be by myself.

Closing the door behind me, I tried to make a beeline for my room to avoid any more talking than I need to do but Granny was in the kitchen, chopping up the things for the pasta.

"Sugarplum, what are you doing home so early?" Her back was faced towards us so she couldn't see the condition were in.

I wiped the snot from beneath my nose as I tried to come up with an excuse to hide away," Uhm I don't feel so well." I couldn't control myself as another sniffle escaped my lips. She quickly set the bowl down and walked over to me, "Sweetheart? Sweetheart, what's wrong?"

"They ate the street dogs, Granny."

"Okay? You can't stop them, the boys are their own people and it's their own bodies. They can put whatever they want in their mouth,"  She tried to joke but she stopped as she watched me rub at face to catch all the tears. "They'll join us later for a late night dinner, sweetie. Don't worry."

"They're not going to make it. Ever."


"They're gone, Granny. And I want them back . I want them this all to be a dream. But everything just keeps proving that it  all just seems so real. I want somebody to hold and comfort me and the one person who has always been there for me is dead and it's only been three hours and everyone is expecting me to be okay but I'm not okay, okay?"

Granny held my slumped figure and pulled me to the couch.

"It just doesn't feel real."

"I know. I know." She leaned my head against her chest. No other words coming out of her mouth because she knew that nothing would make me feel better.


The date on my calendar read July 29th. Meaning it's been a week since that day. Meaning a week since I have yet to step foot outside of my room. Surrounding me were untouched meals and still closed bottles of water and juice.

i.f.l.y.  。luke pattersonWhere stories live. Discover now