𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒓𝒕𝒚 𝒇𝒊𝒗𝒆

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I felt loved.

I felt warm.

But I was also in a lot of pain.

" Luke, I will literally flip you if you press down hard again."

When he tried to switch how we were positioned, he accidentally made me fall off the couch and I hit my forehead against the side of the  table. So now here we are. Me on the floor as Luke tried to calm down the red spot with an ice pack that he ran into Bobby's house to get.  I slipped on some clean boxers of his and a random t shirt that was stuffed in his bag when he went inside but I was still really cold. There was no insulation in this garage.

The coldness of the ice wasn't helping either. "I'm sorry." He hissed when I let out a whimper as he pressed down a little too hard again.

"I told you we should've moved to the mattress up there."

But no, Luke refused to move from the couch claiming that was Reggie's spot and it's gross if we do... what we did... in his bed. He did have a point but this really could've been avoided in a larger space.

"Yeah whatever you say, Ms.Straight A's. I had you feeling good anyways." This time I knew he was doing it on purpose when he pushed down on the ice pack making me whine from the sudden sting.

I stood up and pushed myself onto his lap, trying to strangle him down onto the couch but he refused to budge. His hair a mess as he laughed, holding my arms into the air to get me to stop hitting him. "Hey, don't be so sensitive. Take it like the gnarly woman you are."

"Forget it, I'm going back to Mike. He's nicer than you." I mumbled. I used his shoulders to push myself up.Just as I put my leg out to get off his lap, two arms wrapped around me and I was pulled back onto him. "Don't you even think about it." I quickly put a hand on the couch so I wouldn't fall all the way on him, my face hovering right above his. Luke smirked and brought a hand up to push my hair back out of my face," You know... you wearing my clothes like this really does things to me."

"No, stop, I'm tired." I pouted and relaxed, sitting comfortably onto his lap. My hands rested behind his neck as he stared down up at me like I was... his everything. I blushed and tilted my head down. He only got closer, his nose rubbing against my cheek.

"Then we'll keep going until you're fast asleep, baby."

"Lukee." I whined," Why don't we just go outside and look at the stars? If we go outside today, we can see the two planets Mercury and Saturn. And the sky is really dark tonight so it'd be really easy to see-"

I was shut up by Luke's lips on mine. I pulled away just as fast, " Hey, that's rude. You can't just interrupt me like that." He pecked my lips. "Keep talking and I'll find other ways to make you shut up.". He slid his shirt off of me and brought my lips back to his as his hands trailed up my bare back.

I pulled away, my hands on his cheeks, "But... what about... Mercury and Saturn?"

Luke leaned back in defeat," You really want to see them, don't you?"

Without hesitation, I nodded. Luke rolled his eyes and raised his hands up, "Okay, ladybug, you're the boss."

Proudly, I got off of him and grabbed the tshirt back on. Luke stood up as well and was just about to slip on his pants before one of the doors of the garage came slamming open. I jumped back behind Luke as Reggie walked in first. His vest was out of place and his hair was no longer slicked back.

Prom must've been a blast.

"Luke, why are Y/N's shoes outside- HOLY SHIT." Reggie screamed, his hands dropping my heels and covering his eyes.

i.f.l.y.  。luke pattersonWhere stories live. Discover now