𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒓𝒕𝒚 𝒔𝒊𝒙 . 𝒇𝒊𝒗𝒆

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Three Weeks Earlier

Alex groaned as he threw the towel down onto the floor. Not only did he have to serve Y/N's two annoying friends, Ty and Bradley, but Ethan came in as well. Ethan had already left but Ty and Bradley were still here.  How did people even know he worked here?

He sat down on the counter but quickly jumped down just in case his boss walked in even though he wasn't scheduled to be here today. He didn't know if it was from the stress or from sodium from the street dogs they've been eating so much that was giving him this huge headache.

Though his parents were already coming hard at him for liking the same sex and the pressure of trying to earn money so he can get the new drumsticks he wanted so he could stop playing with broken ones whilst handling school so his parents could be happy with him for at least one thing was just a tad bit overwhelming.

"Y/N's in the house." Bradley and Ty chanted, pumping their arms in the air as the Y/C/H walked into the mini cafe.

Alex let out a sigh of relief at the girl who walked up to the counter with a wide smile," Fancy seeing you here, Mercer. How's the working life treating you?"

With a chuckle, he walked up to the cashier and putting in Y/N's usual order. "Don't even ask, Y/N, do not even ask."

"When you're off, let's go for burgers, yeah? My treat."

Alex nodded before Y/N made her way to the two loud boys in the corner.

Warming up a muffin that he intended to give to her free and started to make her favorite drink. The doorbell rang, signaling that someone was here. Alex turned to say hello but froze when his boss walked instead. Without a word, the short man went to the cashier to grab today's pay. Alex returned back to his duties before he felt a hard slap on the back of his head.

"You stealing from me?"

"N-No sir."

Although Alex was much taller, he couldn't help but feel so little compared to the bald short man.

"I knew I shouldn't trusted a high schooler. What are you even planning to do with the money? Overheard you say that you're not even planning on going and that you're in a band. That's not going to work to so well, is it? You faggot."

Tears brimmed his eyes and he felt like he couldn't even breathe. "Just get out of here. You're fired."The man shoved dollars into Alex's chest, a couple falling into his arms and onto the floor.

Without another word, the customers whispered underneath their breath and Alex's boss slammed the door from behind him.

Alex was out of it that he hadn't noticed he was pulled outside until he was shoved into a quiet alley, Y/N's hand coming up to his face.

" Breathe, Alex, breathe."

Alex wiped his tears rapidly as he struggled to find control.

"You're okay. You don't need to work for him anymore."

" That's the problem! I need the money! My parents are ignoring me and I just want new drumsticks! But I have to prove to them that I am responsible! That I'm a good kid. That even though I'm in love with a boy, I'm still their son! Should I just give it up? Should I just stop falling for who I want?"

" Alex, you're the most responsible person I know. You helped me through so many things and you bring the boys and I back down to earth. If any one fails to recognize that, they're the problem. " Y/N breathed in and out to show Alex to breathe along at the pace she was. "Do not change the way you are for others. You are perfect the way you are. I love you for the Alex you are. Do what you love and love who you want."

i.f.l.y.  。luke pattersonWhere stories live. Discover now