𝑾𝒉𝒂𝒕'𝒔 𝑭𝒆𝒃𝒓𝒖𝒂𝒓𝒚 14𝒕𝒉?

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To say that Luke loves Y/N is an understatement. The man would run to the end of the world if she asked and would gladly drop anything he was doing if it meant that they could cuddle and kiss the night away with her in his arms.

But currently... right now... he really wanted to choke her.


Y/N rolled her eyes and brushed past Luke to get out of the garage.

"I swear she has 25 more years on us and she still acts like she's 16." Luke pointed at the girl who turned back around to grab a pillow from the couch to throw at the shaggy haired boy. He ducked only for the pillow to hit Alex square in the chest instead. "She technically still is. Caleb only brought her a couple times from the dark. Willie said that Caleb almost got stabbed by a fork because he didn't bring her out for five years once and Lucas had turned 10 by the time."

Y/N, according to Reggie, has been experiencing separation anxiety from her son who went to back college. Luke was on top of the world when he heard that Lucas was going back because that meant that Y/N's attention was going to be fully on her. Don't get him wrong, he loved his kid but he just really really really really really wanted to have some alone time with Y/N. But with this separation anxiety, it meant that she was grumpy and snapped if anyone was to annoy her. And today wasn't any different. Except her attitude was strangely directed towards Luke more today.

"How do you two even manage to fight when we're dead?" Alex questioned as he held the pillow to his chest.

Luke crossed his arms and sat himself in the seat between Reggie and Alex," All I did was ask her what she wanted to do today."

" You know Y/N isn't mean when there isn't a reason behind it." Reggie inputted whilst Alex shook his head, raising his hand, " I beg to differ."

Reggie rolled his eyes and stood up," I'm her favorite out of all you imbeciles and she's never once been mad at me."

"Actually..." Alex grimaced before Reggie grabbed the pillow out of Alex's arm and whacked him with it.

Luke knew his two best friends weren't going to be much of any help. Grabbing his jacket, he was just about to slip it on so he could poof out to find out where Y/N went but the garage door pushed open to Julie carrying in multiple white bags.

"Wait, is it your birthday?"

She placed down the many flowers that she received from Flynn and a couple of other students who were hanging out things at school.

"No, it's Valentines Day, ya himbos."

" So thats what is up Y/N'a ass." Alex clapped his hands together before cupping his mouth. One second, he was there. The next, he wasn't. He had gone out to confront Willie about why he hasn't done anything for this special day.

"She doesn't care about that kind of stuff."

" And you know that how?"

Luke took a long thought, shuttering," I-I mean... Well...."

"You did spent last Valentine with Anne-" Reggie peeked in before Luke placed a finger on his lips to shut him up. " Do not bring up that name around here." Luke lifted up his chin to look inside Julie's bag.

" What? I'm just stating the truth. If I could remember, I was the one who hung out with her that day because all three of you were out on dates. I mean we did just go out for ice cream but... she did look sad as she looked all the flowers all these girls or guys were receiving."

" Say... Juls..." Luke poked at a flower and chocolates that stuck out from the bag. Julie blinked multiple times before pushing the bag forward," I guess you can have it but every girl likes something that comes from the heart. What does Y/N like?"

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