𝒕𝒘𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒚 𝒐𝒏𝒆 . 𝒇𝒊𝒗𝒆

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It's been a week since Luke and I came clean and it seemed like everybody could care less.

We honestly acted the same way we did when we were friends.

Slumped over several textbooks, I tried to explain to Bobby how to long division. How he struggles on doing something that we learned in middle school is beyond me but Luke promised that he would take me out to eat gyros later so I'm benefiting from this somehow.

But my head was about to explode if I had to explain to him the concept of multiples again.

"Bobby, it's not that hard."

"Okay, I'm not a fucking nerd like you."

"You don't have to be a nerd to know something simple like this," I scratched my head in frustration," You can be a dumbass if you don't when you're a senior in highschool."

My hair was thinning at how he didn't understand after the sixtieth time of me explaining the steps, " I swear Bobby, if you know how to play a guitar, then you should know how to long division. Learning guitar is way easier than math."

Bobby loudly gasped and gained the attention of many people in the library. I hid behind the bookshelf, hoping that people wouldn't catch me with someone that only had half a brain cell.

" You take that back, Y/L/N."

'No because I am wasting my lunch time helping you with basic math just so my boyfriend can feed me. And honestly, this really isn't worth it anymore."

"I will get an A and you're going to let me teach you how to play... and then maybe you will see how it feels to be the idiot."

"Yeah right, like you'll get an A at this pace."

But what's life without a little bit of spice?

"Actually, I'll take you up on that. You get an A and I'll let you teach me if you say that it's so hard. And if you get a B or lower, all you will get is a " I told you so".


"Y/N, your grip is really tight on my hand. And I get that you love me but uhm well I can't feel my fingers."

Bobby flaunted around the four page test that had a 90 on the top, barely making it an A. 

"How in the world did he get an A?"

Luke slipped his hand out of mine and brought his hand up to the back of my head," At least you're getting gyros with me right now." He motioned me to get into my car but I stomped my foot. I swear Luke had to be annoyed of me somehow.

"No because Bobby wants to teach me how to play guitar."

Luke let out a soft laugh," Why'd you ask him when you could've asked me?" He twirled my hair between two of his fingers, " I mean you of all people should know how well I am with my fingers.

I felt my face getting really red and hid my face in between the crook of his shoulder and neck, wrapping my arms around his torso underneath the warm material of his blazer so he wouldn't get the chance to make fun of me," I lost a bet. I said it's not that hard to learn guitar."

Soothing pats were on my back, " Yeah, you dug a hole there. Can't help you there, well have fun." He pulled away and squished my cheeks, " I'll just go with Reggie and Alex, buddy. I'll bring you some back, promise."

" I can't believe that you're on his side."

"Y/N, it's not that easy to play."

"All you do is strum."

i.f.l.y.  。luke pattersonWhere stories live. Discover now