C-hoosing the
R-ight person for you to
U-nderstand and
S-ee from afar even though
H-e doesn't know your very own existence
F-ascinating people who would always
R-emember you and will make you feel special
I-n a way that they would
E-ntertain you when you're lonely, talk about
N-onesense things with you, and
D-rown you with happiness because they know that
S-omeone like you deserves it
L-oosing to someone that will
O- nly give you overflowing happiness, and
V-alues every little thing in you that nobody
E-lse would do
L-iving with your own point of view,
I-dentifying things you would do, and not do,
F-orgetting the things that you want to redo
E-ach and everyday, you want to make it new