63. Forgotten; Remembered

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I think I told @-Kiomy- that there was a while before there'd be any angst. I apologise. This is only minor angst though, and it's right at the end, there are some funny ones coming I promise!

I don't think this chapter requires a warning. If anyone at all disagrees, please tell me, you don't have to justify why, just say you'd like a warning for this and it will be done. :)

Take care of yourselves wonderful humans and others!!!

"Alright, settle down."

Silver rolled her eyes. Maybe last year, Aizawa had enough fear factor over his class to silence them from any excitement with a few words. These days, they knew him too well, but they respected him just enough to hold it in for a few moments at least— good thing too, he probably would've blown a fuse or four otherwise.

Actually no, he would've just had a nap instead of teaching and then they would've had a load of catch up work. That was why they were silent.

'Heroics' was once more written on the board as it often was, even more so this year than the last. After an art history double with Midnight involving a pop quiz nobody was prepared for, everyone was ready to get out of the damn classroom and do some practical work.

"Today's lesson is going to be different than usual."

The absolute look of pure fear on the faces of so many of the class was certainly amusing to Silver, who knew exactly what this was about. She really should've said something to Aizawa before this moment, but she'd been a little busy what with the trial and damage control after the media ousted her as the daughter of an ex-hero— she was so relieved the people at the club weren't the type to ask questions, they'd only offered to help her change up her look if she wanted to and she also had plenty of shoulders to cry on if she needed a good old chat.

"Heroes and hero work are romanticised by the media, it's stupid and gives people false ideas about the job." His voice was dry as ever, bored with the way the world was. The media and popularity, all that only got in the way, it was annoying and irrational, everything Aizawa hated. "All people ever see are the battles, the fights, the dangerous rescues, because those are the 'exciting bits' but I'm sure you've all realised by now, it's not all fun and games." This seemed like an unnecessary reminder to a class who'd been victim to several villain attacks in their first year. "If you haven't realised it by now, well, you can get out."

Wow, it was their second year of high school, dropping out now or switching classes would be hell, Shinsou (who had heap-loads of catch up work after his recent change from UA's general studies to the hero course) could tell them that, it didn't matter if they were childish idiots not suited for this job— which fortunately they weren't... for the most part— it was too late to leave now.

"Practical work will only be once a week for now-" A collective groan echoed around the room as the class sank, disappointment weighing down on them- "we'll be having theory for the rest of it, and to start with, we have guest speakers today."

As most of the students tried to bring themselves out of the slump left by the lack of the one part of the week they all looked forward to, Silver turned a faint smile to the window. A guest speaker, she almost wanted not to say a thing, just to see, but she couldn't, it was a bad plan, not only for her. Still, it would be nice to catch even a glimpse.

"We have permission from all your parents for you to take this course and specifically to listen today, but know that if for even a second any of you aren't treating these speakers with respect, you will immediately be expelled."

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