69. Sick

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Aizawa walked into his classroom and there was silence. This was how he liked it. This was how it should be. This was the fear and respect he commanded of his class. There was no irrational waste of his naptime nor any unnecessary chatter. This was true peace. This was-

A sneeze?

What idiot decided to come in when they were sick? He swore if this was Midoriya again he was going to drag that boy to Recovery Girl himself. But looking over his class, he saw that Midoriya looked right as rain, as did most of the usual culprits, and then his eyes landed on Silver.

She looked like hell incarnate had been thrown through a washing machine, then eaten and promptly spat out by a giant rat. She kind of felt like that too, being honest.

Her eyes were bloodshot, bags— almost as bad as that time she hadn't slept for days— weighing them down. Her nose looked raw around the edges and her mouth was open just to allow her to breathe properly. As for the girl's hair, it was like she hadn't even tried to fix it, Aizawa knew of its quirk-worthy ability to flop into its proper place with the slightest of ruffles, so it wouldn't have taken much effort for Silver to fix her bird's nest. But she hadn't. And not only that, she had either decided to switch her blazer for her silver jacket, or she hadn't been thinking this morning and put on the wrong one.

She did not look well enough to be here.


She looked healthier when she was walking around after being poisoned than she did right now.

"Go to the nurse."

"I'm fine."

With her voice about an octave lower than it normally was, the class had difficulty believing her. She sniffled and the sound alone had more than one person wanting to throw up on her behalf.

"I'm not sick," she continued despite all the evidence pointing very much to the contrary.

He narrowed his dry eyes at her. "And I don't want a nap. Go."

"I don't get sick."

Aizawa rubbed his temples, not ready to be dealing with a headache this early on in the day, not when he'd spent the night teaching Silver about patrols for her internship. At least that was how the night was supposed to go. The villain fight it had ended with was not exactly meant to happen. Perhaps it was being out so late that had put her in this state, normally when it came to her he'd doubt that idea, but despite her seeming invincibility half the time, she was far from. Both being so young and living with her heart condition, it wasn't a shock that pushing herself would make her a little under the weather. "Shouji."

Aizawa didn't need to say another word, the tallest in the class was quick to move over to the shortest, ignoring her weak attempts to swat him away as he helped her onto her feet. He ignored the protests of her allegedly good health as he found himself taking the majority of her weight. He glanced back at his teacher for a moment, a look of concern in his eye as he considered simply carrying Silver instead of letting her struggle to walk, the decision was made for him however when a violent sneeze almost brought the small girl to her knees.

He bundled her into his arms, ignoring the way she felt like a living furnace for now, and let her fevered whispers of, "I don't get sick. I can't be sick," be their only soundtrack on the journey to the nurse.

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