79. Like a Dream

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I should've done the prepared thing again and done this chapter on Thursday. My bad. Sorry guys!

WARNING: aftermath of a nightmare.

It's right near the end so I'm not going to do a full chapter summary, but I will have warnings around the area where the warning applies followed by a short summary. If anyone would prefer a full summary, please tell me and I will add one to this chapter.

Take care of yourselves and have lovely days/nights people!

Chapter 79: Like a Dream

So Silver's new suit was awesome. She'd had the chance to show the class in a heroics lesson after Mei explained all of it to her, including the interchangeable holsters for every single weapon known to man (because Mei didn't know what weapon Silver favoured so she just created something for every weapon she could). And along with that, came a pair of escrima sticks. Naturally, Silver's response had been grateful but a little uncertain, because Silver knew how to wield them but didn't tend to because of the short range when she was short enough as it was.

The smirk on Mei's face had been equal parts terrifying and exciting. "Unless my second favourite test subject has been lying to me, you do use a bo staff."

See, the escrima were easy enough to holster without limiting Silver's mobility by keeping them safely along her thighs, a bo staff was much harder to do that with because of its length. So Silver could carry the sticks separately, and when she wanted to fight, the simple press of a button (which would only work with her fingerprints) inset into the end of the sticks brought them together. Silver couldn't even feel the place where one stick met the next, they were so well melded together. It was incredible.

Now, the class had been pretty impressed, especially when Keenan ran a sharpened blade across her side without hurting her— they'd been freaked at first but calmed down when they realised she was unharmed— but they all felt something was missing.

And that was how Silver found herself forcing her body to remain completely still lest she murder her classmates with her bare hands for the neon yellow, kiddie costume cape somebody had tied around her neck. "Get this thing off me, now."

Hizashi had to be the one to intercede, the killing intent roiling off her being too much for any of the students to even get close. He stepped up, chill as could be, carefully untied the thin strings around her neck, and began to fold it up nice and good. With Silver still holding herself completely still, he unclasped one of the empty packs on the side of her new utility belt— Silver wasn't particularly sure she liked the idea of the belt but it was annoyingly useful storage for her medical kit and anything else she wanted to add— and tucked the folded cape inside.

"You'll thank me someday," he said, patting her head. As soon as he was gone, she turned a glower on her classmates and smiled.

Kaminari passed out. Mina bolted. Sero seemed caught somewhere between following her and helping Kaminari. Kirishima paled but knew better than to run. And Jirou was shaking her head at the idiots she called friends.

Silver was going to enjoy this.


Silver was sitting with the group she called the extended Dekusquad at lunch. It was essentially the base squad (consisting of Midoriya, Iida, Uraraka, Todoroki and often Shinsou when he wasn't asleep somewhere) plus any of their classmates who'd decided to join— hence the 'extended'. Today, that was Lord of all Darkness Tokoyami, King of the Multi-Armed Shouji and Eternal Source of All Things Peaceful Kouda.

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