66. Little Demon

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Ichika had been just fine in the end, Silver's words had been enough to soothe her, and she'd even sung something gentle. It had almost been enough to send the class to sleep. Ichika didn't say anything about the voice either, even going so far as to say she didn't recognise it when Nezu asked.

Neither she nor Silver ran into one another the whole day.

In fact, as soon as Ichika settled, she moved on to talk to 2-B (even when told she didn't have to, that there was plenty of time for her to come back in the future to complete the talk if she would rather go home after the distress of the last period). Silver didn't come back to class that afternoon. Then the day after, she was back in her place as always, as if nothing had happened and the class was mysteriously quiet on the whole incident. The only mention of it she heard was the compliment to her singing voice from Kirishima and subsequently Jirou, then Mina brought up the idea of the two singers doing a duet of some sort someday since Jirou was quite the musician. Somehow, both girls involved doubted it would happen, but they nodded along to Mina's excited rant on the subject anyway.

After that, it was like it had never happened, and Silver found herself quite enjoying that idea. She'd never spent the entire day freaking out over being found out, and she'd certainly never spent any time under someone's jacket or behind a person or crouching on a desk in front of her class just to hide from someone she used to know.

She couldn't necessarily pretend that she'd never done that whole impromptu confession to Aizawa. It was easier said than done taking back telling him the real reason why she didn't want Ichika to see her at a hero school. At the very least, she could pretend it didn't matter half as much as it did. It was just that, well, what she'd said to Ichika was the truth: heroes hadn't been there when she needed them, Silver had. Ichika had wished for heroes, as all hurting kids did these days. Instead, she got a homicidally-inclined teenager and that had been enough. Heroes were too tied up in rules and laws to be able to be enough. Heroes hadn't been enough. If Silver became a hero, then there was one less person out there willing to do what it took. How could Silver look that girl in the eyes knowing she was becoming what had failed her? 

It wasn't important, she told herself. It didn't matter. She should forget about it.

(She'd never been very good at forgetting).

The following promise she'd made though, it did matter. She didn't want to kill people anymore— she didn't want to be that person anymore— it had been a while since she really, honestly, had wanted to murder someone in cold blood, so she'd promised Aizawa she wouldn't. He hadn't quite known what to make of that, and judging by the long glances he thought she didn't see, it was going to be a while before he did.

That wasn't so important now though. No, now they had other insanity to deal with that— for once— was not in any way, shape, or form, Silver's fault.


Shinsou went home every weekend. It wasn't a set up he liked. But his parents refused to let him be a part of the dorm system unless he came home every Sunday like a good little boy and so, to stay at UA, that was what he had to live with.

Normally, that meant almost a whole day he dreaded every second of the rest of the week. Thankfully though, even with her training them in every sparring lesson they had at school, Silver still borrowed him and Kirishima on Sundays, meaning he wasn't stuck with his parents all day. This week, however, Silver had cancelled for a prior arrangement— one she'd been very apologetic over— despite this, his day stuck at home was still punctuated by something much more enjoyable. Apparently, there was some urgent matter Shinsou had to discuss with his homeroom teacher in person.

This joyous news had come via email while Shinsou was on his way to his house, and had barely fazed his parents. He still didn't understand why they made him come every weekend, they jumped at any chance to be rid of him for even a few minutes of the day. But he couldn't dwell on that, instead, as soon as he arrived, he stepped right back out of the door (because when Aizawa said 'immediately' he meant it) and started making his way to the address his teacher had provided. It wasn't a quick journey. Ridiculously enough, Shinsou was going to have to double back on himself and go straight past UA to get there, when he'd only left UA to get to his house this morning. But a train ride and a short walk later, he was standing in front of an apartment building.

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