68. School Spirit

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Her classmates had been very excited. Homeroom this morning had come with the announcement of this year's school festival and the students had been buzzing with excitement ever since, even more so since Aizawa had said they weren't allowed to decide on a plan until the day after. The way they all reacted, it almost seemed cruel to make them wait.

"So, if you had to explain a school festival," Silver began, sat between Mina and Kirishima at the Bakusquad's table, "to someone who'd never been to one before, let's say an alien-" She really didn't like the looks on their faces, even Kaminari and Sero were staring at her- "what would you say?"

"Well, I guess it's a chance for a whole school to come together and just have fun for a day."

Silver blinked, essentially discarding the response that had failed to answer a single question she had.

"Yeah, so all the classes get together and they do something everyone will enjoy. Last year Shinsou's class did a terrifying haunted house," Mina explained.

"Oh and there was that crazy play that made zero sense!"

"And don't forget all the competitions. Do you think Momo will win the beauty pageant this year?" Kaminari asked. He'd loved watching all the girls showing their stuff up on the stage last year.

"Probably," Jirou said before turning a glare on Kaminari, "if she chooses to enter."

The boy only chuckled, scratching at the back of his head. "Right, of course."

So, weird sources of entertainment from different classes and a beauty pageant. That was alright, Silver could do that.

"There're usually a load of food stands too."

Interesting foods, Silver was willing to eat anything but a change up of the usual was always welcome.

"Hey, Kirishima!"

The redhead turned to find himself looking up at his 2-B doppelganger, one Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu. The boy had silver hair and eyelashes of the same colour that were so long and thick (it made some jealous and) it looked like he was wearing a mask over his eyes. But that was essentially where the differences between him and Kirishima stopped. Their quirks both made their bodies the ultimate defence— though Silver had heard they often competed to see whose was 'ultimater'— with Testutetsu's turning him to metal and Kirishima's turning him to rock. Add to that being born on the same day and matching ideals on manliness, and it wasn't impossible to mix the two of them up.

"Bro!" Kirishima grinned, standing to give his bro a manly hug. "What's up?"

"Nothing much, bro, we were just wondering what your class was doing for the festival."

"We don't know yet, bro, Mr Aizawa won't let us pick until tomorrow."

"Ah, that's so sad, bro, but our class was kind of hoping you'd do the same as last year so maybe it's a good thing," Tetsutetsu suggested.

"Really, bro?"

"Yeah, bro, and I think some of the other classes are thinking it too."

"Say 'bro' one more time and see what I do." Silver had a lot of patience, but there was a limit to how many times she could hear the word 'bro' before she had to punch someone, and she'd like to avoid that for their sakes.

Tetsutetsu shuddered while Kirishima merely shrugged it off with his usual grin.

He leaned closer to the redhead. "She scares me, br-" His whole body flinched under Silver's gaze. "Friend," he corrected.

"Good to know the human race's survival instincts still function," Silver spoke with a smirk.

Tetsutetsu relaxed at her change from ice cold to amused. Silver didn't know 2-B all that well. Aside from a few joint training sessions, she hadn't mixed with their class at all really, she knew the fighting styles better than she knew the students at this point, but two or three of them she was a little more familiar with.

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