89. Date Night

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"Don't let her stay up too late."

"Eraser." It was a warning tone, but he either wasn't paying that much attention or he didn't care.

"Don't let her drink any coffee even if she begs."


"And whatever you do, don't give her any kind of control over the TV."

"EraserMic!" It wasn't something she said often, but it came up every now and then as the most impactful method of addressing the hero couple. "I have been living with you on and off since May, I know how to keep your daughter happy and healthy. Mirio is here too. It's all going to be perfectly fine." If anything, it was them Silver was starting to worry about. Just how long had it been since they'd last had a night to themselves? She was starting to think maybe not since meeting Eri, which meant over a year. "Now get out of my apartment."

As uncomfortable as the couple were with the idea of Eri being anywhere near this part of town in an apartment directly above a strip club, with some smart planning, it had been decided as the best course of action. At first, Silver had offered to let them use her apartment for their date night and she could stay with Eri at their place but that idea had been vetoed very quickly by the couple. Instead, Aizawa, Hizashi and Eri had come with Silver early on in the evening and used her window to get inside while the establishment below was still well and truly closed.

Twenty minutes later, a call from Sin heralded the arrival of a young man who— in Sin's words— was 'perkier than a boob job'. While that description was decidedly accurate, Silver was glad she'd been the one on the phone to hear it instead of literally anyone else.

Mirio was chirpy as ever and Silver's partner in crime for taking care of Eri for the night. It wasn't that the couple didn't trust Silver to take care of their daughter, it was more their absolute fear that something would happen and they would be too far away to do a thing about it. Quirkless or not, Mirio had almost completed his hero training, he was good backup if anything happened. But it wasn't going to. The three of them would experience a quiet night, and the couple, well, quiet would likely have nothing to do with their night.

"I don't trust Sin anywhere near her." Aizawa hadn't had many conversations with Sin, but the few he'd had were enough. The woman reminded him of Kayama too much to be trusted with Eri for extended periods of time.

Silver held back a glare and a groan. "I will call AG to drag both of you out of here if you don't leave now and none of us want that. There will be wolf-whistling."

With no small amount of effort, she managed to coax the pair out enough for her to slam the door in their faces before they could lay any more unnecessary ground rules, and for a moment, there was blissful silence. Deep breath in, deep breath out.

"So who's this AG guy? Aizawa said he might be joining us later." He'd got a text message from the couple sometime last week and of course he'd been overjoyed. He loved taking care of Eri and getting to catch up with Silver in person— instead of a few random and sporadic texts since they met at the UA culture festival that amalgamated to him talking to her a lot and getting much shorter responses from her (though she always sounded interested, concise, but interested)— sounded amazing, so of course he'd jumped at the chance.

Silver glanced between the young man, his blonde quiff of hair honestly reminding her of a baby version of the trademark Present Mic do, and Eri, both of them sat on the sofa playing some kind of hand-slapping game that involved clapping and high-fiving in specific patterns. Weird, but it was keeping Eri entertained so Silver wasn't about to argue. "Oh, don't worry about him, he managed to book himself so he's working well into tomorrow."

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